HMICFRS inspections and performance reporting
Inspections by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of the City of London Police, in the public interest.
The HMI for the City of London is Lee Freeman KPM.
All current and past reports are available on the HMICFRS website, and the Police Authority Board and its Committees ensure that the Force implements the HMICFRS recommendations. This is done through the Strategic Planning and Performance (Police) Committee, which you can access by clicking this link: see latest HMICFRS quarterly update.
See the latest Force action plan in response to HMICFRS inspections and reviews:
Reviews commissioned by the Police Authority Board
From time to time, the Police Authority Board requests reviews of key areas of the Force’s work.
In January 2020, the Board commissioned Sir Craig Mackey to undertake a review of Action Fraud – herewith the report, its appendix and the Force action plan.
Force Quarterly Performance Statement
The national priorities for policing are as follows:
- reduce murder and other homicide
- reduce serious violence
- disrupt drugs supply and county lines
- reduce neighbourhood crime
- tackle cyber crime
- and improve satisfaction among victims, with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse.
These priorities will be kept under review and further crime types may be added by the Home Office in the future. Each force has a key role in supporting the priorities, so that collectively the Home Office can see real improvements in outcomes over the four years from the baseline of June 2019.