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Date updated: 11/01/2023

The Barbican Estate Office (BEO) and Property Services (PS) on behalf of the BEO will provide Major Works’ services either directly or through a sub-contractor for the necessary maintenance and improvement of the fabric of the Barbican Estate. They will also supervise and monitor the performance of the service, and be the point of contact for the purpose of consultation.

The objective of the service is to deliver projects improving the fabric and standards of the Barbican Estate in conjunction with the Asset Maintenance Working Party and authorised by the Barbican Residential Committee (RCC) within budget and timescale providing value for money whilst ensuring that all works conform to current safety standards and legislation and that residents are informed of the effect on service charges of Major Works.

Major Works are undertaken on a rolling programme and cover the following categories:

  • Structural works
  • Interior and exterior cyclical re-decoration
  • Fire, health, safety and security
  • Feasibility studies concerning decommissioning/replacement/repair. Current projects include the Garchey waste disposal system, underfloor heating, lifts
  • Development of outline specifications
  • Consultation with residents
  • Tendering procedures
  • Contract Management

In addition to the requirements of this SLA, the City of London Corporation is obliged to consult with and inform residents of the costs and scheduling of capital and programmed works in accordance with Statute and the terms of the lease.

All major programmed works will be subject to an initial evaluation process the commencement of which is reported to the RCC for recommendation and the Barbican Residential Committee for approval.

Following the initial evaluation, an evaluation report, including an estimate of costs and an outline brief, will be presented to the RCC for consultation prior to submission to the BRC and (if approved) the commencement of the Statutory consultation process with residents and leaseholders under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended by Section 151 of the Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act, 2002. Section 20 applies to all affected leaseholders where one leaseholder’s charges exceed £250 for works or £100 for a long-term service agreement.

The programme of works is included in the ‘out-turn report’ which the RCC sees before it is approved by the BRC.

Statutory consultation (Section 20) stages are indicated by being highlighted in bold.

Project development process
 Stage   Process  Method
 Project initiation Works identified/ Identified Resources bid initiated  Internal report
 Pre-evaluation Technical assessment/Pre-evaluation Report to BRC/RCC   Committee report
 Consultation #1 Consultation will take place during the project design and evaluation process as appropriate  Meeting
 Evaluation Evaluation Report & costs estimates to BRC/RCC for approval   Committee report 
 Planning/Listing Permissions sought for planned works   n/a
Statutory (Section 20) Consultation Notification to Leaseholders – Comments invited on tender documentation and preferred contractors - 30 Day period for comment. Residents’ responses considered. Tender reviewed/modified as necessary    

Stage 1 Consultation. Documents issued.

 Specification Specification/tender documents prepared  n/a
Invitation to Tender  Tendering process commenced  n/a
Statutory (Section 20) Consultation Stage 2 Consultation – Tender information and proposal sent to Leaseholders – 30 day period for comment Consultation responses considered / Decision reviewed as necessary

Stage 2 Consultation. Documents issued, residents informed of outcome.

Tender evaluation / Contractor selection Contract Letting* (If contract NOT let to lowest bidder Stage 3 Consultation invoked.)  n/a
Tender Approval BRC/RCC approval for chosen tender Committee Report

Statutory (Section 20) Consultation

Stage 3 Consultation (30 days for comment). Responses considered & Tender decision reviewed Stage 3 Consultation documents issued, residents informed of outcome.
Decision Contract Letting confirmed or rejected Notification to Leaseholders
Consultation  Meetings with residents on works progress & timetable Meeting

The BEO will ensure that all works and contracts are effectively monitored and that residents are provided with timely and accurate information on all major works either individually or through the RCC or as appropriate.

Performance against appropriate and agreed targets will be monitored and reported to residents through the RCC at the scheduled meetings.