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Date updated: 11/01/2023

Open Spaces within the Barbican Estate are maintained by City Gardens division of Open Spaces.

The objective of the service is to provide and maintain effective grounds maintenance services to the high amenity standards commensurate with the expectations of residents and other users of the Barbican Estate.

Garden Maintenance

Grounds maintenance is ‘outcome-based’ and the frequencies stated are indicative only.

Grass maintenance

Grass will be cut not shorter than 25mm and not exceeding 45mm, which equates to approximately once a week in the summer. Grassed areas will be edged and maintained in accordance with the specification.

Shrub and rose bed maintenance

Beds to be kept weed free throughout the year, which equates to approximately once a week in the summer. Watering as necessary to ensure healthy growth and formative pruning, as required, in accordance with specific needs

Tree maintenance

Watering of young trees approximately twice a week in the summer plus checking of stakes and ties. All trees surveyed professionally once a year

Litter picking from gardens

Gardens and planted areas should be kept litter free at all times. In effect, this equates to litter picking twice a day. Refuse sacks to be removed the same day (ie not left out overnight)

Leaf clearance

Planted areas should remain free of a build-up of leaves at all times. This equates to leaf clearance approximately once a week in September, December and January peaking at twice a week in October and November (dependent on season)

Lake Maintenance

Litter picking from lakes

Lake areas should be kept litter and scum free at all times. In effect, this equates to litter picking regularly throughout the day. Refuse sacks to be removed the same day (ie not left out overnight)

Planted areas - maintenance

When established, aquatic species will be lifted, thinned and replanted in accordance to specific requirements. This will be carried out each winter

Water quality

Analysis of regular reports on water quality. Manual control of aquatic weeds and algae. Monitoring and husbandry of fish stocks

Fountains and pumping equipment

Regular maintenance of this equipment is carried out in accordance with the schedule

Interface Areas in Open Spaces

Entrances to enclosed communal garden areas

The maintenance of the gates, fences, railings, and signage is the responsibility of the BEO.

Inside enclosed communal garden areas

  • The maintenance of the gates, fences, railings, signage, benches, pergolas, play equipment, pathways and sprinkler systems are the responsibility of the BEO.
  • Litter picking within the communal garden areas is the responsibility of Open Spaces.
  • Cleaning including sweeping of the pathways and play areas within the communal garden areas is the responsibility of the BEO.

Winter works improvement programme

The period between November and March is traditionally the time when gardens around the City are improved through re-landscaping/re-planting.

More information about gardening on the estate

Restrictions on some activities apply to avoid nuisance being caused to residents and these are set out in the contract.

The following restrictions apply to work being carried out in daylight hours:

  • Nuisance tasks (such as lawn watering, mowing, leaf-blowing etc.) shall be carried out between 10:00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m.
  • Noise restrictions, (i.e., non-use of loud machinery) shall be observed when and where appropriate and in accordance with the agreement

Staff will operate between the hours of 7.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Saturday (with reduced cover at weekends). It should be recognised that patterns of work will be dictated, to a certain extent, by the weather but everyday maintenance duties will take up the vast majority of their time.

Their work performance will be measured against the outcomes set down in the Grounds Maintenance specification both by their own supervisors and by in-house City Corporation officers.

Performance against appropriate and agreed targets will be monitored by the Open Spaces Department and is reported to residents through the RCC and BRC as and when business demands at the scheduled meetings.