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Public realm and lighting design guidance

The City of London Corporation's Public Realm Supplementary Planning Document sets out the City Corporation's vision for the public realm including the principles for controlling change and informing street enhancement schemes and provides general guidance for street works to ensure there is consistency of form and quality.

In support, the Public Realm Toolkit is a reference document for designers and developers working on the public realm and private spaces. It provides guidance on the material selection, visual aesthetic and quality expectations for surface materials, street furniture, trees and planting with the expectation that these elements will offer a lasting contribution to the streets and spaces of the City as a whole and should be responsibly sourced, robustly implemented and maintainable.

The Lighting Strategy aims to deliver a holistic, creative and smart approach to balancing light and darkness. Its objective is to provide the City with the lighting it needs by providing a consistent lighting design and removing light pollution.

These documents explain and amplify the City Corporation's policies on design and management of the public realm and provide the framework to continue to deliver a safe, high quality place in which to work, live and enjoy.

For more information email the Policy and Projects team

City Public Realm Toolkit PDF (9MB)

Date submitted: 13/02/2024

This toolkit provides a coordinated approach to the design and management of the public realm in the City.