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Felling of highway trees

Date updated: 12/06/2024

On 30 November 2023, Section 115 of the Environment Act 2021 became a statutory duty that all local authorities in England were required to implement. The duty requires local authorities to consult with local residents on the felling of street trees where no exemptions apply.

Examples of these exemptions are: trees that are dead or subject to a Plant Health Act 1967 Notice; those that require removing to implement a valid planning consent; trees that are dangerous or likely to become dangerous prior to the next scheduled inspection; trees needing to be removed so that a statutory undertaker may undertake emergency operational works.

There are currently no active consultations.  

Past consultations

Species: False acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia)

Number of trees: 4

Site Name: Little Trinity Lane

Date of Notice: 15 May 2024

Reason For removal: These trees are being removed as part of a public realm scheme delivering sustainable urban drainage, increased greening and replacement tree planting. Trees on the site have been removed in the past due to poor health and the proposed scheme aims to provide improved growing conditions for the replacement trees.

Find out more about the Little Trinity Lane re-landscaping project.

Consultation date: The consultation took place between 15 May and 12 June 2024.

Decision: to be determined.

Respond to a consultation

If you wish to comment on a proposal to fell a highways tree, please please do so via the options below making clear the proposal that you are responding to:

Email the City Gardens team.

City Gardens team
City of London Corporation
PO Box 270
London EC2P 2EJ

View a map that includes these four trees and all other trees managed by the City Gardens team.

The results of the consultation will remain applicable for a period of 2 years following the end of the consultation period. Within the 2 years the local Highway Authority may fell the street tree or trees in question provided a response to the consultation has been published at least 28 days prior to the felling taking place. After 2 years the results of the consultation will expire and a new consultation must be undertaken if the local Highway Authority wishes to fell any street tree or trees previously consulted on.