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Date updated: 23/05/2024

Promoting connections

Lord Mayor's Coffee Colloquies are a series of in-person events held at Mansion House promoting connections that help address the leading issues of the day.

Connect to Prosper celebrates our multiple Knowledge Miles, showing that the City of London is a place where problems come to be solved. Lord Mayor's Coffee Colloquies bring together varied voices from around the world to talk about how their work supports the achievement of one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals or another pressing global issue. Through fast-paced transfer of knowledge, with a focus on building connections, the Coffee Colloquies will invigorate our Knowledge Miles in the World’s Coffee House.

8.45-9.15am Arrival and coffee served
9.15-9.20am Open remarks by hosting Alderman
9.20-10am 10x4 minute expert presentations, timed with sand timer
10-10.30am Q&A
10.30-11.15am Discussion, Networking, Coffee
11.15am Close


Date Theme Convening Org
5 December Space
Avoiding an Environmental Disaster
16 January Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
The Worshipful Company of Water Conservators
13 February Reduced Inequality ESOP
27 February Gender Equality Royal Holloway University
12 March Climate Action Planetary Boundaries & Tipping Points Royal Society
26 March Artificial Intelligence OPUS
9 April Quality Education
Learning beyond the classroom
Air Cadets
16 April Climate Action Monitoring Nature Royal Society
25 April Maximising the UK’s skillset in achieving SDG 9 British Expertise International
9 May The Commonwealth Opportunity Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council
15 May Sustainable Cities and Communities Arup
29 May Life On Land Overshoot on Large Ecosystems: Oceans and Soils Royal Society
11 June Life Below Water Marine Stewardship Council
18 July Decent Work and Economic Growth Chatham House / New Capital Consensus’
30 July Peace and Justice Strong Institutions The Law Society
10 September No Poverty King's College London
24 September Philanthropy & Investment City University Centre for Charity Effectiveness w/ Big Society
7 October Quantum & AI For Good The City Quantum & AI Summit
16 October Zero Hunger City Harvest
22 October Affordable and Clean Energy Worshipful Company of Fuellers
23 October Good Health and Well-being MQ Mental Health/ Imperial
5 November Responsible Consumption and Production University College London
TBC: Summer Partnerships for the GOALS
Disagreeing Agreeably
TBC Cybersecurity City of London Police

For further information, and to register interest in attending an event, email the Lord Mayor's Office.

About Coffee Houses

To learn more about why Coffee Houses were considered Penny Universities, start with William H Uker’s amazing (and free) All About Coffee: A History of Coffee from the Classic Tribute to the World’s Most Beloved Beverage (1922); and here's a free, easy-to-read sample of the most pertinent Chapter 10: The Coffee Houses Of Old London.