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Date updated: 22/11/2024

Under the Freedom of Information Act, public authorities are required to adopt a Model Publication Scheme drawn up by the Information Commissioner. This shows to the public what information authorities are committed to publishing routinely so that the information is already available to the public quickly and easily, for example via a website.

Model Publication Scheme PDF (198KB)
Date submitted: 23/10/15

The City of London Corporation's Local Authority, Police Authority and Port Health Authority functions fall within the scope of the Act. The governing body of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama , the operation of which is a function of the City of London, is also subject to the Act.

Being a ‘model’ issued by the Information Commissioner specifically for use by all public authorities which partly fall under the Act, it does not require to be amended or submitted to the Commissioner for approval. It is a document, committing an authority to proactive publication of the classes of information listed in the Model.

‘Publication’ does not only mean ‘to publish’ in the traditional sense that a book is said to be published. It means information made available publicly in any way.

In addition, the Information Commissioner requires authorities to provide a "‘guide to information’ - which could be a website, a spreadsheet [or] a leaflet" - giving details of the information it will routinely make available, how the information can be accessed, and whether or not a charge will be made for it.

Publication Scheme Guidance Document PDF (1MB)
Date submitted: 10/01/20

The City Corporation has chosen to retain its former Publication Scheme (which existed before the introduction of the Model Publication Scheme by the Commissioner) as its Guidance Document. 

Please note that three bodies usually associated with the City Corporation -  City of London Police, Museum of London and The Aldgate School​ - are, under the Freedom of Information Act, separate legal entitiesTo obtain information from these authorities under the Act, you should contact them directly.

More information

For details about the Publication Scheme at the City Corporation contact the Information Officer at 

Comptroller and City Solicitor’s Department
City of London
Guildhall, PO Box 270
London EC2P 2EJ
020 7332 1243
Email Information Officer