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Date updated: 11/02/2025

Our Policy

The City Corporation is committed to delivering excellent customer service. We recognise the different needs of our customers and actively work to minimise potential issues of exclusion and discrimination. We aspire to be a leader in equality and inclusion, serving a wide range of communities including our staff, residents, businesses and the workforce of the Square Mile.

The City Corporation also aims to provide an inclusive, respectful and discrimination-free work environment for staff. We will use best practice in employment in accordance with legislation to ensure that employees feel respected and able to give their best. As far as possible, we would like our workforce to be broadly representative of all sections of society.

Equality Objectives 2024-29

The City Corporation’s Equality Objectives 2024-2029 are a dynamic framework advancing our commitment to equity, equality, diversity and inclusion (EEDI) as a leader, employer and service provider. The Objectives are owned across all departments and institutions.

We are committed to making systemic change though championing and advancing equity, equality, diversity and inclusion (EEDI) in everything we do.

To do this we will develop a community of leaders who:

  • Adopt values-based behaviours and are accountable for advancing EEDI, internally and externally.
  • Confidently create and sustain an inclusive environment by understanding how conscious and unconscious bias impacts on decision making and take action to address this.
  • Understand how the complexity and intersection of people’s identities can impact on access to opportunities and experiences.
  • Ensure stakeholder engagement is accessible and inclusive considering the diversity of the communities we serve.
  • Provide public spaces and a cultural offering responsive to the diversity of the Square Mile and beyond.
  • Demonstrate that decisions are evidence-based and measurable.

Representation and experience ensure the City Corporation is an employer of choice where people thrive.

Activities align with the People Strategy 2024-2029 including:

  • Enhance our approach to attracting, developing and retaining excellent, diverse, local and national talent.
  • Develop leadership capacity and capability to actively champion EEDI.
  • Ensure that leaders take responsibility for creating a safe physical and psychologically safe working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • Develop and review policies and procedures though an EEDI lens to ensure that they are fair, inclusive and are applied consistently.
  • Take action to improve the robustness of our workforce data and regularly analyse it to identify trends and use the data to inform action to ensure that the key stages of the employment lifecycle are fair and inclusive of all.
  • Extend and enhance the EEDI training offer to focus on awareness raising, skills building and inclusive culture development.
  • Embed EEDI considerations into general training.
  • Create a total reward and recognition offer that is fair, inclusive and acknowledges individual contribution, performance and supports progression.

Consideration of equity, equality, equality, diversity and inclusion is integral in the design, development, implementation and evaluation of our services.

This aligns to our Corporate Plan 2024-2029; activities to deliver this objective may include:

  • Strengthen the confidence and capability of our employees to have due regard to equality when planning services and evaluating their impact.
  • Ensure our public spaces are inclusive and accessible.
  • Take a community-centred approach, as set out in our Ethical Policy, to help us better understand the challenges our communities face and include them in our planning and decision-making processes.
  • Continue to ensure that our website and public documents adhere to accessibility standards.

Someone’s socio-economic background should not limit their potential to flourish.

Activities (cognisant with the Social Mobility Index recommendations for improvement) may include:

  • Continue to use our influence to advance socio-economic diversity across the City, building on the success of the Socio-Economic Diversity Taskforce report and its recommendations.
  • Collaborate with a variety of communities to enable opportunities for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds to get in, get on, and belong in the City Corporation.
  • Continue to measure our performance as an employer across the eight areas set out in the Social Mobility Index.
  • Closer working across the City of London Corporation family to tackle barriers collectively and holistically for underrepresented groups.

Improving the robustness of equalities data to inform an evidenced based approach to advancing equality, equality, diversity and inclusion is essential.

A heightened focus on data is therefore a cross-cutting activity alongside the development of appropriate outcome measures.

Our Equality Objectives are integral to the effective delivery of Our Corporate Plan 2024-29, Our People Strategy 2024-29 and other elements that shape and drive the organisation over the next five years and beyond. They have been developed through internal and external consultation, providing a direction of travel, not a destination, with progress regularly reviewed.

As set out in the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, the City of London Corporation is required to publish one or more specific and measurable Equality Objectives at least every four years.

Equality information reports

These reports provide information on all employees, both full-time and part-time, and directly employed temporary employees. Casual and agency workers, contractors and consultants are not included.

Equality Information Report 2024 PDF (3MB)
Date submitted: 11/02/25
Equality Information Report 2023 PDF (1MB)
Date submitted: 22/03/24

Gender Identity

Supporting a anti-discriminatory, consistent and coherent approach across all our service areas.

Gender Identity Policy PDF (217KB)
Date submitted: 19/11/19

Pay gaps reports

Gender pay gap is not the same as equal pay.

The gender pay gap measures the differences between the average pay of male and female employees, irrespective of job role or seniority. Whereas equal pay refers to pay differences between male and female employees performing the same or similar work, or work of equal value.

Pay Gap Report 2024 PDF (442KB)
Date submitted: 11/02/25
Pay Gaps Report 2024: Appendix 1 Gender Pay Gap PDF (207KB)
Date submitted: 2/08/24
Pay Gaps 2021: Gender, Ethnicity and Disability PDF (387KB)
Date submitted: 13/06/22

Public Sector Equality Duty

The Public Sector Equality Duty came in to force in April 2011 (s.149 of the Equality Act 2010) and public authorities are now required, in carrying out their functions, to have due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010
  • advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it