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Animal welfare and licensing

Date updated: 5/06/2024

An Avian Influenza Prevention Zone has been declared across England and will apply until it is revoked.

More information is on the Animal and Plant Health Agency page on GOV.UK

The City of London Corporation is responsible for ensuring legislative compliance for imported animals into the whole of Greater London and taking the best course of action to ensure that illegally imported animals are detained and quarantined as soon as possible.

The aim is also to regulate businesses in relation to animal premises following due process to ensure business compliance and promotion of Animal Welfare and Animal Health disease control.

Inspection and licensing

Our animal health and veterinary inspectors carry out inspections in a large variety of premises on behalf of contracted local authorities. If you are applying for a licence or want more information please see the following pages:

Contact the Animal Inspection Team

Animal Reception Centre
Beacon Road
Heathrow Airport
Middlesex TW6 3JF
020 8745 7894

Email the Animal Health and Welfare Team