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Date updated: 7/03/2025

Emergency procedures

The advice from the City of London Corporation Principal Security and Contingency Planning Adviser is to remain in your flat or townhouse if there is a major incident, eg a terrorist attack. It is often much safer to stay within your home than to be out on the street.

Most Barbican Estate flats have bathrooms without windows, which have been identified as a safe area. Should it be necessary to take refuge in an emergency, it would be advisable to take a radio with you to listen for news updates.

You should be familiar with the nearest access route to your block so that you will be able to advise the emergency services where to attend.

Numbered Ambulance access points have been agreed with the London Ambulance Service and should be quoted if you call an ambulance.

Numbered ambulance access points
Block Access Ambulance point
Andrewes House
Gilbert House
Andrewes car park 6
Breton House
Ben Jonson House
Breton car park 2
Bunyan Court
Bryer Court
John Trundle Court
Bunyan Court car park 1
Cromwell Tower Cromwell Tower 3
Frobisher Crescent Cromwell Tower 3
Defoe House
Shakespeare Tower
Defoe car park 8
Lauderdale Tower Lauderdale Tower 8
Speed House Speed car park 4
Thomas More House
Lambert Jones Mews
Mountjoy House
Seddon House
Thomas More car park 7
Willoughby House
Brandon Mews
Willoughby car park 5
The Postern
Roadside Access from Wood Street  

If you are expecting the emergency services you are advised to inform your Car Park Attendant or Lobby Porter in order that they can give access and arrange parking if necessary.

Barbican Emergency Services Points and Procedures PDF (200KB)
Date submitted: 20/12/19


There is an Automated External Defibrillator, kept at Lauderdale Tower. If you need to use the defibrillator in an emergency and in conjunction with the emergency services please contact the concierge at Lauderdale Tower 02070 29 39 29.

Police vehicles and other emergency services carry defibrillators and the London Ambulance Service send messages through for assistance when there are calls for problems with people breathing or suffering chest pains.

The advice from the Fire Brigade is as follows:

The Barbican has been built to protect residents in the event of a fire, so do not automatically assume you must leave your flat. The emergency services will decide whether the building needs to be evacuated. If it does, use your front door and stairs unless the fire/smoke prevents this, in which case use your balcony.

Basic advice

Familiarise yourself with the escape route from your flat before an emergency. For most flats this is using a staircase (never a lift) or your balcony.

Keep all emergency access routes clear: your life or those of your family or neighbours could be endangered if you do not. Large plants or furniture should not be stored on balconies for this reason.

If the fire is in your flat:

  • Do not stay to fight a fire unless you can extinguish it immediately
  • Evacuate everyone in the flat
  • Close all doors behind you
  • Call the Fire Brigade
  • Call your Lobby Porter/Concierge

If you detect a fire in another part of your building:

  • Stay in your home unless evacuated by emergency services
  • Call the Fire Brigade, do not tackle the fire yourself
  • Close all doors and windows to restrict the spread of smoke
  • If you become affected by the heat or smoke, leave the flat, as described above

There have been very few fires on the Barbican Estate. Most have started in kitchens so residents may wish to keep a kitchen extinguisher or fire blanket nearby.

The London Fire Brigade will carry out a fire safety check, see contact list.

If in doubt, ask the Barbican Estate Office.

General advice for fire prevention

  • It is worthwhile investing in a smoke alarm. The battery should be renewed each year to ensure the alarm is working effectively
  • Avoid calor gas, paraffin or electric bar fires wherever possible. Instead use plug in radiators with safety electric plugs
  • Do not block access points in your flat or the communal areas of your block.
  • Do not use rooms for storage or as workshops
  • Do not overload electrical sockets, cover convector heaters or leave lit candles and heaters close to curtains and furniture
  • Ensure electrical equipment is regularly serviced

Dial 999 - If a crime is currently taking place and you are in immediate danger.

Dial 101 - In a non-emergency. If you wish to report actual or suspected criminal activity.

Any other general matters or non-urgent calls can be reported to the Ward Officers.

Visit the police website if you require more information about community policing or any other aspect of the City of London Police.

An out-of-hours Emergency Service is available (Monday to Thursday 5 pm to 9.15 am and 5 pm Friday to 9.15 am Monday).

The Duty Manager will be responsible for providing the out-of-hours estate management function including attendance at emergency incidents, lift trappings, and dealing with incidents of nuisance.

Residents phoning out of hours will initially speak to the Lobby Porters/Concierge who will assess the issue. If necessary they will seek the advice/assistance of the Duty Manager who will respond a number of ways.

It is important that contact is made through the concierge staff because at any given time the Duty Manager could be otherwise engaged on Barbican Estate business.

Keys to Barbican Estate properties give you access to the majority of access points on the estate including entrances to the blocks at car park and podium levels and also gives access to the Speed House and Thomas More House gardens.

Keys to Barbican flats can be lodged at Barbican Estate Office Reception for safe keeping at the leaseholders' own risk. Leaseholders can arrange for their visitors or contractors to have access to the flat in their absence during Barbican Estate Office opening hours.

When authorising Barbican Estate Office staff to release the keys (key permission) to your visitor, eg contractors, Reception will require full details of the person visiting the flat.

You will be asked to provide the following:

  • Visitor's name and if a contractor their company name
  • Visitor's contact telephone number
  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your contact telephone number
  • The period of time that key permission is required.

Residents and their visitors will be asked to present identification, eg driving licence, when collecting keys from the Barbican Estate Office Reception.

Orders for additional keys

The ASSA keys for Barbican locks cannot be obtained from elsewhere and must be specially ordered by the Barbican Estate Office.

Additional keys orders will only be accepted from City Corporation tenants, long leaseholders or, with written authorisation from their landlord, registered subtenants.

Keys must be paid for in advance. The current cost is available from the Barbican Estate Office.

Additional keys are delivered to the Barbican Estate Office within 10 days and you will be contacted when your keys are ready for collection.

Additional keys will only be released on presentation of identification, eg Driving licence, Utility Bill, Credit Card.

If your keys are being collected by someone else, please confirm who will be doing so, so that their identification can be checked.

Fire Safety FAQ's Barbican Estate PDF (236KB)
Frequently Asked Questions regarding Fire Safety on the Barbican Estate
Date submitted: 20/12/19