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Date updated: 11/04/2024

The City of London Corporation stands united with Ukraine.

If you are interested in becoming a host as part of the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, in the first instance, you should refer to the Central Government's web pages:

The UK Government has put three different Ukraine Schemes in place to support those who wish to either come to or remain in the UK

If you need to get in touch with us, email Resettlement Support

Disaster Emergency Committee

People in Ukraine are in need of vital, lifesaving aid but the most effective way to support is to give money to the following organisation. Any amount you can give will go a long way to helping those in need.

Disaster Emergency Committee has launched a Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal to support DEC charities and their local partners in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries to help provide food, water, shelter and medical assistance. The UK Government will match pound-for-pound up to £20 million donated by the public to this appeal.

Homes for Ukraine

Charities, community groups, businesses and anyone in the UK able to provide accommodation can now record their interest to sponsor Ukrainians fleeing the war through the Homes for Ukraine scheme. If you would like to register your interest or find out more information, visit the Homes for Ukraine website.

Support on accessing NHS services in Ukrainian

It is likely that north east London will become home to many Ukrainian refugees in the coming weeks and months particularly as there are already established Ukrainian communities in some of our boroughs.

With that in mind, it is important that we all share the message that anyone in England is entitled to register with a GP practice and to see a GP when they need to, regardless of where they are from or their immigration status. Patients do not have to have a fixed address and do not have to show ID, or proof of address or immigration status. However, GPs will ask where people live in order to provide the best advice and treatment.

Doctors of the World have prepared some approved Ukrainian language communications on how to access NHS services. You can download an approved Ukrainian language infographic on how to access NHS services and a Ukrainian language infographic on the Covid-19 vaccine.

Local council websites are great places for information on the wider support available for Ukrainian residents and refugees.

How to stay safe in the UK

Ukrainians Welcome, a joint initiative by UK anti-slavery and human rights organisations, provides Ukrainians with the most important safety information and numbers to call. Its aim is to provide helpful information to displaced Ukrainians arriving in the UK, with a view to making their lives easier and keeping them safe.

Get help and support

If you are Ukrainian, or have family or friends affected by the conflict, help and support is available: