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Date updated: 12/06/2024


Find out which courses you could progress to after you complete your first course with us.

Ask for a copy of 'Follow The Pathway of Lifelong Learning' by calling the Adult Skills and Education office on 020 7608 2753/020 7332 1231

Complaints Policy and Procedure PDF (317KB)
Date submitted: 16/01/24
Fees and Charges Policy 2024-25 PDF (344KB)
Date submitted: 18/12/23
Self Assessment Report PDF (1MB)
Date submitted: 16/05/23
Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Strategy PDF (250KB)
Date submitted: 11/06/24

We have an attendance policy and ask that you commit to attending at least 80% of your course. We also ask that you notify your tutor if you are expecting to be absent for any classes. If you are absent for more than three weeks we are required to cancel your place on the course. We strongly encourage you to inform us if there is anything which may affect your attendance.

If you have a learning difficulty or a disability and you want additional support, please let us know on the enrolment form and indicate whether you wish the tutor to be informed.

Our aim is to provide high quality, responsive lifelong learning opportunities to City of London residents and workers by facilitating, a vibrant, world class, urban learning community at the heart of the capital. For a full version of the Student Charter, please email the Adult Education team on 020 7608 2753/020 7332 1231.

Your teacher will go through the health and safety procedures to be followed at the start of your course. 

If you are on an exercise class then please let the teacher know of any specific needs that you have when you complete the PAR-Q (‘Physical Activities Readiness Questionnaire’) form.

The City of London Adult Skills and Community Learning Service takes safeguarding very seriously. We are committed to safeguarding vulnerable adults and children on our courses and ask that you please inform your tutor if you have any concerns.

We are committed to ensuring that all learners are treated fairly and with dignity and respect. We welcome and celebrate diversity and we ask all learners to respect the rights of other people, regardless of difference in culture, ability, race, gender, age, sexual orientation or economic status.

We will work to ensure that all classes are accessible to all regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, disability, marital status, age, class, or any other ground that cannot be justified. We will make every reasonable effort within available resources to accommodate the needs of learners who require additional learning materials or equipment.

We respectfully ask you to:

  • respect the rights of other people, regardless of difference in culture, ability, race, gender, age, sexual orientation or economic status.
  • make a positive commitment to your learning and personal development by making every effort to attend all sessions and by arriving on time and staying until the end of the session.

Courses advertised may change, for example where a course is undersubscribed or there is a change in personnel or funding.

We welcome your ideas and can often start new short courses during the year. Please email the Adult Education team with your suggestions.

Please email the Adult Education team to contact the centre administrator or call 020 7332 1231 for more information.

We seek feedback from learners at all stages of their learning in order to continuously improve the quality and range of future courses.

Please note: Policies in the guide are correct at the time of publication but may be subject to change.

We welcome comments and aim to provide courses of the highest possible quality. If you wish to make a comment for any reason, please speak to the venue administrator on 020 7608 2753/020 7332 1231.

A complaints form, and information on the full City of London Corporation complaints procedure, is available from the Adult Skills and Education Service.

Some courses include a price for extra materials or special costs. Where this is the case it is shown clearly in the course listing.

All learners should note that there may be additional materials and equipment required for all courses which are not covered by the materials fee and which individuals are expected to pay for.

All learners are advised not to purchase materials and equipment for courses until they are sure the course is running. No liability can be accepted for expenses incurred if a course is cancelled at short notice.