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Date updated: 28/02/2025

These guides aim to help you understand what steps you can take from your home and with your community to take on climate action and help reduce greenhouse emissions.

What can I do to act on climate change at home? PDF (2MB)
Date submitted: 7/09/21
Working from home top tips PDF (520KB)
Date submitted: 17/01/22

What can I do to act on Climate Change?

Get the ball rolling at home

You can reduce energy use by following these simple tips:

  • Unplug electronic devices when not in use
  • Switch to a renewable energy provider
  • Turn down your thermostat by 1 degree to reduce your energy bill
  • Limit the hours your heating is on
  • Only fill your kettle to the amount you need
  • Plan meals to reduce food waste and cooking time
  • Shop locally and walk or cycle if you can
  • Recycle more. Recycling saves energy by reducing or eliminating the need to make materials from scratch
  • Learn about which items are recyclable at Recycling A-Z
  • Calculate your environmental footprint and identify actions you can take to reduce negative impact using these tools carbon footprint calculator and Environmental footprint calculator
  • Download our top tips pdf on saving energy. 

Now you've done the basics

  • Examine the impact from your home with a green deal assessment
  • Increase your climate literacy by visiting our Key Climate words page and support climate conversations at home and in your community
  • Think about what actions you can take to increase energy efficiency. Here is some advice from the Energy Saving Trust
  • Browse charity shops and other pre loved platforms such as eBay and Facebook market place before buying new items
  • Utilise apps such as Olio and Too Good To Go to save on food waste or try increasing more vegetarian and vegan meals into your diet.

Get the ball rolling in the community

  • Find out about and share views on what the City Corporation and others are doing to champion climate action in the Square Mile by visiting the Climate Action webpage
  • Share case studies of successful climate action initiatives with the City Corporation’s climate action team so the team can promote them on our community webpages and social media
  •  Already recycle? Want to do more? Find out about the Circular Economy which offers significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Volunteer in the City or in Greater London in support of people and nature.
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