Housing Major Works Programme
At present, there are a number of major works projects underway that will repair and improve our estates. The City of London Corporation's Major Works Core Officer Group has been formed to ensure a consistent approach to communication, programming, and delivery of these works in line with the original vision for our estates and any listed requirements.
List of projects by estate
Current Projects
Retrofitted Water Suppression Sprinklers Installation to the Point Blocks
The retrofit sprinklers project aims to install fire supressing sprinklers, and heat activated fire alarms inside all flats within East Point, Centre Point, and West Point to protect residents in the unlikely event of a fire.
Each flat's sprinkler heads and pipes will be independent from each other and having block-wide installation will enhance the overall building safety.
The majority of communal install has finished, however there has been a noticeable delay in final fittings due to the landlord awaiting sign-off from Southwark Council Building Control. During the course of the sprinkler system installation works, our contractors United Living have managed to gain access into over 95% of properties in the three blocks on the Points.
Please contact PPCR. if you have any questions relating to the Sprinklers project.
Fire Door Replacement Programme (all blocks excluding Twelve Acres)
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors, including communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors.
The lower level blocks on the estate are complete with the exception of two properties in Longhand Court, one that requires an automated opener and the other where access is an issue. The Point blocks are ongoing and are working closely with the estate officers to overcome the issues.
On Harman Close, we have managed to replace the doors on the first floor, but the doors at ground floor level cannot be replaced until all services that penetrate the door frames have been removed, following the fire alarm and call line upgrade is complete by others.
We are unable to replace the communal doors in the three Point blocks until the Sprinkler system project is complete.
Future Projects
George Elliston and Eric Wilkins House - Replacement of Roof, Windows, and additional Works.
The replacement of roofs and windows and external repairs to George Elliston and Eric Wilkins House.
The principal designer, Studio Partington have submitted a draft options appraisal for the scope of works and officers will be reviewing this with them. Once the scope is agreed, a formal report will be put before Committee to develop the project further.
Residents will be kept informed of how things are progressing and the range of works that are required. All statutory, planning and tendering requirements will need to be factored into the timetable for works.
Initial access may still be needed to some flats in order to help inform how things proceed, but residents will be advised if this is the case.
MUGA (Ball Games Area)
The renewal of the surfacing, fencing and facilities of the ball games area.
The City Corporation obtained a report on how trees are affecting the MUGA and what can be done to prevent future damage once facilities are renewed. Options need to be considered in the context of users’ safety, environmental concerns, and the current financial position. Further liaison with Southwark Council may be required to establish what may be done with regards to trees whose roots affect the surfacing and what can be done to mitigate this, in order to find the best overall solution.
Further to the above, the City Corporation have had the area looked at by leisure companies to assess possibilities for the area. Possible grant funding for the works will continue to be explored, and depending upon internal finances, officers may ask Committee to consider partial or full funding to bring the area up to standard.
Current Projects
Fire Door Replacement
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors, including communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors.
The installation of the new fire doors is now complete on the estate.
Current Projects
Great Arthur House - Curtain Wall
Unfortunately, the outstanding issues of balcony door handles and brush seals, still need resolution. The City Corporation and John Robertson Architects are continuing to engage with Equans and other firms to try and reach satisfactory conclusions to these matters.
Some repairs at roof level have been undertaken to address issues of water ingress unconnected to the curtain wall works.
Window Refurbishment Programme and Associated Works
The refurbishment of window frames and installation of vacuum glazing, insulation of roofs/soffits and new ventilation systems across all blocks on the estate.
There is a Resident Liaison Group for both Crescent House and the Wider Estate who meet on alternate months. Summaries of the meetings are on the project website.
Crescent House
The Contract will be procured under a two stage tender process. Stage 1 evaluations have been completed, and the Stage 2 documents are under review. The windows contractors who successfully completed work on the Pilot Flat for both the aluminium and wooden windows are named sub-contractors. This will ensure that we retain the high standard already set.
Work to discharge the planning conditions continues.
Wider Estate
Early in October the Project Team held a drop-in session to present outline designs to residents and a further drop-in session will be arranged for early January to present the detailed designs. Submission of planning application and listed building consents is anticipated for January/February 2025.
Great Arthur House Retrofitted Water Suppression Sprinklers Installation
The retrofit sprinkler project aims to install fire supressing sprinklers, and heat activated fire alarms inside all flats within Great Arthur House to protect residents in the unlikely event of a fire.
Each flat's sprinkler heads and pipes will be independent from each other and having block-wide installation will enhance the overall building safety.
Adjustment to Great Arthur House programme has been scheduled to merge the objectives of this project with the planned fire door and compartmentation project to create one fire safety package project. We will keep you updated on further information.
Please contact PPCR. if you have any questions relating to the Sprinklers project.
Great Arthur House - Fire Safety
All residents of Great Arthur House will have received a letter with the latest updates on the fire safety works with the following information.
Important notice - Fire Safety Works - Fire Alarm - To maintain integrity of the fire alarm system and to prevent unnecessary activation:
- Do NOT paint or cover the detector.
- Do NOT tamper with the detector.
The detectors will require annual maintenance including inspections. Should there be a fault or if you have any queries or concerns, please contact the Estate Office on 020 7253 2556.
A reminder that smoking in communal areas is prohibited and that smoking within the flats, especially near the detector, may trigger the alarm.
A functional fire alarm has been installed and set as a phase evacuation, where the fire alarm activates from the two floors above and one below will evacuate the building, and the remaining floors will receive an intermittent beep to standby.
Should any resident have questions about the alarm system, including the evacuation process, please contact the Estate Office.
Great Arthur House - Fire Door and Compartmentation
Fire compartmentation works and installation of Fire Doors to meet statutory requirements as laid out in Part B of the Buildings Regulations 2010.
This project is currently on hold as the scope of this project will be driven to a large extent by the works being undertaken on the sprinkler project. We are continuing to engage across both projects as we proceed.
The brief/scope of the Fire Compartmentation project will be developed further as the Sprinkler project progresses, and we will continue to keep you updated. Please keep an eye on the notice boards and Housing Major Works website for further updates on the Fire Compartmentation project.
Heating - Crescent House and Cullum Welch House
The installation of communal heating and hot water to residential properties.
The installation of the communal heating and hot water to residential properties will not be progressing in the immediate future. Properties will remain on individual heating systems for now.
Lighting, Signage and Accessible Routes
Upgrade of the existing communal external lighting provision to modern, energy-efficient fittings.
This project has currently been paused but essential repairs should be reported via our repairs team.
COLPAI (Black Raven Court)
Final approval, allowing residents to move into the residential building, is delayed as the project team needs to undertake extra work to an area of brickwork on the western side, located behind the balconies.
The team is currently discussing when and how to undertake this work and whether new residents can move in before or during the planned work.
The project's contractor, ISG, is not currently on site but a security presence will be maintained.
Security will continue to be present during normal working hours, Monday to Friday, from 8am to 6pm. Out-of-hours CCTV will remain active and monitored.
We will keep you updated with the latest information and a schedule for the repairs once it has been confirmed.
For general enquiries, please email the COLPAI Project Team or call 0800 772 0475
We would encourage everyone to opt-in to the digital newsletter by visiting our project website or emailing the COLPAI Project Team to ensure we are able to stay in touch should physical distributions become unsustainable.
Future Projects
Fire Door Replacement Programme (All blocks excluding Great Arthur House)
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors within City of London Corporation Housing Managed residential blocks of flats, the replacement of any communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors from flats with fire doors that give up to 60 minutes fire resistance (30 minutes as an absolute minimum where 60 minutes is not achievable).
Procurement for the Fire Door Replacement Project is underway at several other Estates. A measured survey for the doors to be replaced at Golden Lane Estate, will be scheduled in due course ahead of the formal design process required to satisfy heritage constraints.
Officers have been asked to look into the possibility of widening the CCTV coverage on Golden Lane Estate. This is at a very early stage and will depend on the availability of finance and necessary listed building consents being met. Residents will be kept further informed as and when this project develops.
Current Projects
There are no current projects active on Holloway Estate.
Current Projects
Communal Heating System Improvement Works
The City Corporation were successful in obtaining grant funding from Central Government and the Climate Action Strategy for improvements to the communal heating system at Isleden House. These include new heat interface units within properties, new thermostatic radiator valves, improvements to the controls of boilers and individual heat meters.
FairHeat have been appointed to design the scheme and are progressing with surveys. It is hoped that the initial designs will be submitted to officers for consideration by late summer.
A 'Meet the Contractor' event for Isleden House residents was held on Wednesday 13 November 2024 in the Community Room.
Current Projects
Communal Heating / Cold Water Distribution System Replacement
The replacement of current heating system with modern facilities and a programme of control activities, repair and replacement works to water supply systems for which the City Corporation is responsible across Housing Revenue Account Estates. This includes communal hot/cold water storage tanks, communal pipework, individual hot/cold storage tanks and pipework in tenanted properties, hot/cold water tanks and pipework in estate offices.
There are seven properties in Middlesex Street Estate, five in Petticoat Tower and two in Petticoat Square that require the installation works, these properties are refusing access, as a result we are still unable to isolate and decommission the old existing system and fully commission the BMS unit that controls the heating temperatures, which is causing some noise to other residents. This matter is currently in the hands of the legal department.
The planning application for the exterior pipe work containment has now been approved and arrangements are now taking place for the work to commence.
If there are any issues, residents can contact TSG using the usual repairs line 0800 035 0003 or you can email TSG.
Play Area Refurbishment - Middlesex Street Podium
The company which provided and installed the original artificial grass surfacing returned to site to carry out heavy sanding of the area. They have also visited four other sites which are experiencing the same issues and have tried a range of solutions to try and resolve the static problems permanently. These are being monitored to judge the effectiveness of the solutions, and we will advise residents further once we have been able to assess the next course of action. However, we do continue to ask all residents who experience shocks to make sure that they report these to the estate office, especially during summer months when the static issue is more prevalent.
Petticoat Tower Retrofitted Water Suppression Sprinklers Installation
The retrofit sprinklers project aims to install fire supressing sprinklers, and heat activated fire alarms inside all flats within Petticoat Tower, to protect residents in the unlikely event of a fire.
Each flat's sprinkler heads and pipes will be independent from each other and having block-wide installation will enhance the overall building safety.
Work progress so far:-
- 17 flats have been fully completed with sprinklers and fire alarm works.
Harmony is planning to have a reduced presence on site to utilise their resources and time more efficiently. From now on Harmony will carry out block booking appointments only.
When booking an appointment with Harmony, it will be essential that they can access your home for all three days required for the installation works. This is to ensure the newly installed sprinkler system can be tested and commissioned.
We have added an additional questions and answers information leaflet on the retrofit sprinklers, following our 26 April 2022 webinar.
Please contact PPCR. if you have any questions relating to the Sprinklers project.
Petticoat Lane Market Project
As part of the Petticoat Lane project that City of London Corporation carried out, in partnership with London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LB of Tower Hamlets), works to the northern part of Middlesex Street at its junction with Bishopsgate and to the west pavement along the Middlesex Street Estate.
The project was completed by installation of seating and planters in the pavement outside the Middlesex Street Estate to complement the new street trees.
LB of Tower Hamlets team are now preparing proposals for Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail that will depict the diverse community and history of Petticoat Lane through installations of plaques or similar throughout the area. Find out more about the Petticoat Lane Heritage Trail.
Middlesex Street Area Enhancements - Artizan Street Landscaping Project
Major Works is currently working on progressing with part of the original project:
- Canopy
- Panels
- Signage
- Public Art
Concrete Repairs
This project was on hold due to expenditure review. The design, specification and estimate costings have been completed. It will be combined with the Middlesex Street Area Enhancements - Artizan Street Landscaping Project.
If you have questions regarding progress, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Manager at Major Works Team or City Public Realm.
Outdoor Leisure Facilities
If you have questions regarding the progress of the outdoor leisure facilities, please do not hesitate to contact the Project Manager at City Public Realm.
Current Projects
Window replacement including Redecorations (Sumner Buildings, Stopher House and Pakeman House)
Window renewal and internal/external common parts redecorations across multiple estates.
Work Progress:
We are writing to advise that the window replacement project is rapidly nearing completion. However, our appointed contractor ETEC Group urgently needs access to some properties in order to complete the remedial works and redecorations. This work should take approximately one or two days per property, depending on the number of windows and the condition of the wall reveals.
We urge residents to contract the ETEC Group Residents Liaison Officer (RLO) Matthew Jonas, (contact details below), at your earliest convenience to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.
Matthew Jonas, ETEC Resident Liaison Officer, Email Matthew at ETEC Group, Telephone: 07842 001 954.
If you have any further queries in the meantime, you can contact the Major Works Team.
Fire Door Replacement Programme (all blocks excluding Horace Jones House)
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors within the City Corporation Housing managed residential blocks of flats, the replacement of any communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors from flats with fire doors that give up to 60 minutes fire resistance (30 minutes as an absolute minimum where 60 minutes is not achievable).
Work is progressing well at Sumner Buildings, there is one outstanding property to complete the project.
Future Projects
Concrete Testing and Repair & Roof Renewal & Communal External Cyclical Painting.
The concrete testing and repair and roof renewal and communal external cyclical painting are all now being combined in one project.
A concrete testing contract was procured to assess the current condition of the pre-cast concrete elements on the Southwark Estate blocks and to make any repair recommendations. A concrete repair contract will follow to remedy the defects noted.
Concrete Repairs at Southwark Estate have been postponed and will not commence until the window project renewal is completed. Concrete repairs start date Summer 2024.
Roof renewals to Stopher and Sumner Houses to become part of this delivery. Delivery 2025/26.
Current Projects
There are no current major works project on Sydenham Hill Estate.
Completed Projects
Window Replacement including Redecorations (Sydenham Hill: Lammas Green & Otto Close)
Following our communications to residents in relation to the window replacement and communal redecorations project, we will be reporting to the contractors, ETEC Group, the defect log gathered during the warranty period which is nearing to an end on the 14 March 2025.
We acknowledge that perhaps we could have improved our communication throughout the project and in particular, highlighted the snagging an essential part of signing off completed works. We would now like to take to encourage residents to contact us directly at Major Works Team should they have specific concerns about the following aspects of the works carried out:
- New windows operational system
- Internal making good around the windows
- Performance of new extract fans
ETEC will be instructed to contact the resident and book an appointment to attend during working hours, in conjunction with a representative of the Major Works Team (either the allocated Project Manager or Clerk of Works).
A thorough snagging inspection of the works will be undertaken, and we will be monitoring the outcome of these individual visits.
If you have any further queries in the meantime, you can contact the Major Works Team.
Your continued patience is appreciated.
Future Projects
Fire Door Replacement Programme
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors within the City Corporation Housing managed residential blocks of flats, the replacement of any communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors from flats with fire doors that give up to 60 minutes fire resistance (30 minutes as an absolute minimum where 60 minutes is not achievable).
The project to replace all front entrance doors has been put on hold until the completion of the new development, due to health and safety concerns and the lack of space available for a site and welfare setup.
Future Projects
Windows Programme (including redecorations)
Window renewal and internal/external common parts redecorations across multiple estates.
The design team brief is near completion and the tender for the services of the design team is expected to go live early November 2024. Once the tenders have been evaluated and the successful bidder identified, we will be undertaking statutory post tender section 20 consultations with leaseholders.
Subject to a successful tender and section 20 consultation, once appointed the design team will be working alongside the project team undertaking pre-planning advice ahead of submitting a new planning application. While the planning applications are underway the design team will also be working alongside the project team drawing specifications to re-tender for the works, which will also be subject to the statutory pre and post tender section 20 consultations with leaseholders.
Subject to successful statutory consultations, tenders, planning consents and further committee approvals, the works are expected to start early to mid-2025.
Fire Door Replacement Programme
A programme of works programme of works to replace all front entrance doors within the City Corporation Housing managed residential blocks of flats, the replacement of any communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors from flats with fire doors that give up to 60 minutes fire resistance (30 minutes as an absolute minimum where 60 minutes is not achievable).
All doors have now been replaced, with the exception of one specialist electrical intake cupboard that is currently being fabricated, following extensive testing.
Current Projects
There are no current projects active on Windsor House.
Completed Projects
Window Replacement including Redecorations
We will be writing to residents in relation to the window replacement and communal redecorations project, which the warranty period is nearing to an end on 6 June 2025.
We are aware that following individual inspections, there have been a significant number of enquiries regarding the quality of finish and missing parts in relation to the new windows and extract fans.
We acknowledge that perhaps we could have improved our communication throughout the project and in particular, highlighted the snagging an essential part of signing off completed works. Residents will be requested to contact us should they have specific concerns about the following aspects:
- New windows operational system
- Internal making good around the windows
- Performance of new extract fans
ETEC will be instructed to contact the resident and book an appointment to attend during working hours, in conjunction with a representative of the Major Works Team (either the allocated Project Manager or Clerk of Works)
A thorough snagging inspection of the works will be undertaken, and we will be monitoring the outcome of these individual visits.
We will write to all residents with further update by the beginning of May 2025.
If you have any further queries in the meantime, you can contact the Major Works Team.
Your continued patience is appreciated.
Future Projects
Fire Door Replacement Programme
A programme of works to replace all front entrance doors within the City Corporation Housing managed residential blocks of flats, the replacement of any communal corridor fire doors and fire escape doors from flats with fire doors that give up to 60 minutes fire resistance (30 minutes as an absolute minimum where 60 minutes is not achievable).
Procurement for the Fire Door Replacement Project is underway at several other Estates. A measured survey for the doors to be replaced at Windsor House will be scheduled for later in the year.
Current Projects
Communal Heating
Replacement Heating System for three larger blocks on York Way Estate.
All works have now been completed for the communal heating.
Any further queries regarding the heating works, please contact TSG repair line.
New Development of 91 Homes
The City Corporation has entered into a construction contract with Higgins PLC to develop 91 new homes at the York Way Estate, alongside new landscaping and play spaces, a new Community Centre and a new Estate Office.
Site Progress
Block A - Swaledale House – Brickwork and internal partitions. Balcony waterproofing.
Block B - Herdwick House – Brickworks and internal partitions. Balcony waterproofing works.
Block C - Ryeland House – Balcony installation and window fitting.
Block D - Aberdale House –Brickwork to first floor. Roof waterproofing works.
Noise, dust and vibration are constantly monitored across the site, to ensure levels do not exceed limitations.
Hoarding around the site has been updated to display a historical timeline of York Way Estate.
If you have any concerns or questions about the development, please contact the Resident Liaison Team in-person Monday to Friday in the Resident Liaison Office & Respite Centre or email them at York Way-Higgins or call Ruzi Bibi on 07773 540 602.
Please continue to check the York Way Estate website for updates.
Future Projects
Corridor Lighting and Redecoration of Internal Common Spaces
Project Briefing document completed and awaiting approval from Housing Programme Board.
Looking at the options for upgrade/replacement of the existing ventilation system.
If residents have any issues with regard to the ventilation within their homes, these should continue to be reported through the repair system. The ventilation issue is to be considered as a future project, subject to need, and the necessary approvals being granted.
Play Area Refurbishment
To update equipment within the play area.
This project is on hold as future play facilities are to be considered as part of the redevelopment works at York Way estate.
Fire safety
Home visits and fire alarm fitting
The Fire Brigade currently deliver free Home Fire Safety Visits every year and with the visits they will also fit fire alarms in all areas where fires can start, including bedrooms and living rooms.
The London Fire Brigade now provide specialist alarms for deaf people/people with hearing impairments. They can provide standalone alarm systems and replacement alarm heads for bellman systems as part of a Home Fire Safety Visit. The alarms are free of charge and are fitted as part of the Home Fire Safety Visit.
If you are interested in receiving a visit from the London Fire Brigade or would like further information on the fire alarms, please call Freephone 0800 028 4428 or email the Fire Brigade.
Housing Fire Safety
Residents are able to view Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for all of the City Corporation estates from the Housing Fire Safety web page.
Leaseholder payment options
The City Corporation recognises that it can be difficult for some leaseholders to pay for the cost of major works to their property in one go. We therefore have several ways to support you with this. To view the latest guide to the payment options for leaseholders take a look at the Leaseholder Payments booklet under the heading 'supporting information'.