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Date updated: 7/10/2024
If you have any questions, would like help completing the survey or have not received your information pack, please e-mail Acuity or call 01273 287114.
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The City of London Corporation Housing Service Pets Policy is due for review this year.

The purpose of having a policy is to ensure residents are aware of our approach, which is outlined in our tenancy and lease agreements.

We want all tenants to enjoy living in their homes and we recognise the benefits that responsible pet ownership can bring. However, we must ensure that controls are in place to prevent irresponsible pet ownership which can cause suffering to animals and a nuisance or annoyance to others.

The deadline to return your survey is Monday 7 October.

Those who have not responded will be receiving a second letter which will include a new voting form in case you have misplaced your original. 

If you have any questions, would like help completing the survey, or did not receive your information pack, please e-mail Acuity or call 01273 287114.

You should now have received your information and survey pack from Acuity. This includes the Pets Policy Information Booklet. If you have any questions, would like help completing the survey or have not received your information pack, please e-mail Acuity or call 01273 287114.

Please either return your completed survey using the freepost envelope, or using the online link in your cover letter. You can also complete the survey via phone.

Following the consultation workshops, two key recommendations that came out were to use a fair and independent ballot process, and that as much information be provided to residents before taking part. We will be working with Acuity to complete the survey. 

You will receive a pack through your door in the last week of August, within the pack provided you will find a booklet containing all information relating to the potential future pets policy, along with the survey to cast your vote. Please use the enclosed FREEPOST envelope to return your completed survey. There will also be a link to complete online, or over the phone included in your pack. 

We have now received the full feedback report from Calm Mediation and will be talking this through with them this week. We will be looking at the points raised by residents and the themes outlined by Calm Mediation and discussing how this can influence the way forward. We have also begun working on the information document that will be shared with residents in advance of the vote. This will include answering the questions and providing information on the points raised by residents at the consultation sessions.

We are hoping to have the information document shared with residents in the second half of May, with the aim of the survey taking place in June.

Thank you to all the residents who took part in our Pets Policy workshops that took place during March. There were some really interesting discussions and points raised by our residents.

We are working with Calm Mediation who facilitated the workshops to bring together a summary of the feedback so far, which will help us design the next steps. Key early points from residents that we will be taking on board include providing residents with a detailed information pack in advance of our survey, which will include things such as how any changes would be managed, if any are voted for approved. We will also be ensuring that a paper survey goes through every residents door after the information pack with plenty of time to return responses.

Please keep an eye on the newsletters, this webpage and estate noticeboards for updates on the next steps.

We are asking residents for their views on our current Pets Policy, which sets out the rules for pet ownership for those living in homes managed by the City of London.

While the whole policy is being reviewed, perhaps the most important issue is dog ownership. This part of the policy tends to be the most discussed and gives rise to the strongest views from residents.

We have received a growing number of requests from people to have a dog, as they want to enjoy the benefits that having a pet can bring to their happiness and wellbeing. However, we are aware that some residents prefer the current policy and would like their estates to remain dog-free.

We welcome views on any aspect of the current policy, which you can read below.

The Pets Policy was last approved in 2021 and is now due for review again.

Previously we asked residents to vote on the issue of dog and cat ownership. After the last consultation, we said we would carry out a more detailed consultation on dog ownership the next time this policy came up for review.

The current Pets Policy says that dogs are not permitted, except registered guide dogs, hearing dogs and assistance dogs.

Residents living in properties with their own private garden are also permitted to keep a dog “provided that the breed, size and temperament of the dog is suitable”. If you share a garden, you cannot currently keep a dog.

The main options are to keep the policy on dogs as it is or change the policy to allow residents to keep a dog.

As part of the consultation, we would like to discuss with residents how dog ownership could be managed if we were to change the policy. How do you think that dog ownership could be managed if it were to be allowed? What sort of issues do you think might arise and how could these be dealt with?

These are questions that we would like to discuss as part of this consultation.

The City of London’s estates are located in the City of London itself, plus Islington, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham.

Council tenants and leaseholders living in these boroughs are permitted to keep a dog. In most cases, residents must seek their landlord’s permission first. They must also ensure the dog is well cared for and does not cause a nuisance. Some breeds of dog are banned by law because they are deemed to be dangerous and are not permitted.

Landlords in these boroughs normally require their residents to sign an agreement that they will abide by rules to care for the dog and ensure it does not cause a nuisance. Permission to keep the dog can be revoked if the agreement is broken. Allowing a dog to cause a nuisance to others is also a breach of tenancy.

We have surveyed residents on our Pets Policy on several occasions previously. On the last occasion in late 2020, 49% of residents said “no” to dog ownership, 45% said “yes” and 6% said “don’t know”.

However, on some estates, a majority supported dog ownership; on others, most people did not support it.

There will be a number of workshops open to all residents across our estates, as well as two online workshops which any resident can attend (dates below).

Calm Mediation will facilitate these workshops. During the workshops, residents will be able to share their views on the consultation and discuss together what the options for the future might look like. There will also be a final survey after the workshops for residents to share their opinions.

We will collect everyone’s feedback from the consultation events, and share our findings with a survey and vote to all residents. This result of the vote will inform the final policy, which will then be presented to the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub-Committee (scheduled for July), which will decide whether to approve.

Pets Policy PDF (200KB)
Date submitted: 10/11/20