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Date updated: 26/09/2024

The City of London Corporation is committed to making the Square Mile an inclusive environment. Accessible and inclusive design benefits everyone, particularly disabled and older people. The Access Team promotes inclusive design through the development and planning process, from concept to completion.

The S20 of the Equality Act 2010 provides that where a physical feature puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage in relation to a non-disabled person, reasonable steps should be taken to remove it, alter it or provide a reasonable means of avoiding it.

Contact the Access Team for more information.

Online resources for legislative and design guidance

Planning policy

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Chapter 8 Promoting healthy and safe communities and Chapter 12 Achieving well-designed places.

London Plan 2021, Chapter 3 London's people

Local Plan 2015 Policy DM 10.8 Access and inclusive Design

Go to the Planning Policy Library and use the City Plan category for the latest version of the Draft City Plan 2036, for information on Contributing to a Flourishing Society.

There are relevant policies in the London and Local Plan 2015 and the Draft City Plan 2036 which relate to housing, hotels, cycling and parking.

City Public Realm supplementary planning document PDF (5MB)
Date submitted: 13/01/20

Historic environment

These links are to pdf documents

Historic England Easy Access to Historic Buildings (2015)

Historic England Easy Access to Historic Landscapes (2015)

Inclusive cycling

London Cycling Design Standards

Wheels for Wellbeing A Guide to Inclusive Cycling

City of London Access Group

The City of London Access Group (CoLAG) is made up of volunteers, most of who have a disability and live, work or regularly visit the City.

The members give their time to provide personal input on access to the built environment. They meet bi-monthly to discuss national and local access issues as well as news, updated legislation, publications and events that affect disabled people. There is usually a speaker at each meeting giving a presentation on a topical issue.

CoLAG is undergoing a review of its constitution, management structure and terms of reference and will be relaunched later in 2023.