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Date updated: 23/05/2024

The CIL and S106 ensure that development contributes to improving the City's infrastructure, environment and facilities. 

Community Infrastructure Levy

The CIL is a charge on new development that is used to help fund the provision of infrastructure in the City of London. It operates through a charging schedule. The charging schedule and the CIL Annual Rate summary are on this page and in the Planning Policy Library under the CIL category. The City Corporation prepares an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement by the end of December each year setting out its CIL funding priorities and reporting on CIL income and expenditure.

More information on the CIL, including copies of forms and notices, is available on the Planning Portal.

Annual CIL rate summary

The CIL is subject to indexation which allows the rates to be adjusted to reflect inflation. The CIL rates (indexed) are set out in the Annual CIL Rate Summary 2024.

CIL instalment policy

The City Corporation has a CIL Instalment Policy which applies to City CIL and Mayoral CIL payments and requires payment in two instalments:

  • CIL payments of <£100,000: payment is due in full within 60 days of commencement.
  • CIL payments of £100,000 or more: the greater of £100,000 or half the value of the total amount payable within 60 days of commencement of development the remainder within 240 days of commencement of development

CIL Neighbourhood Fund

CIL Regulations require that 15% of CIL receipts be used to assist the delivery of infrastructure to support neighbourhood priorities.

Information on how to apply to the CIL Neighbourhood Fund is at Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund.

Planning obligations

Planning obligations (often called S106 agreements) are agreements with developers for the provision of, for example, affordable housing, local training and jobs, and site-specific mitigation measures. 

The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) explains how S106 operates is on this page and in the Planning Policy Library under the SPD category.

The City Corporation has a template for S106 agreements, containing standard clauses which applicants are expected to agree, where relevant. More information is in the SPD paragraph 75.

S106 agreements are subject to administration and monitoring charges.

The SPD encourages 10% of goods and services relating to developments to be locally procured from the City and its neighbouring boroughs. The Code for Local Employment and Procurement and the Employment and Skills Plan Guidance for developers provide more information. Download the documents from this page or the Planning Policy Library under the S106 category.

For more information on discharging Planning Obligations email Planning Obligations or call our Contact Centre on 020 7332 1710.

S106 and CIL monitoring

The City Corporation is required by CIL Regulation 121A to report annually on the amount of CIL and S106 received and the amount of CIL expenditure through the Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement. The Infrastructure Funding Statements for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 are in the Planning Policy Library under the Planning Obligations (S106) category.

Annual CIL Rate Summary 2024 PDF (500KB)
City of London Annual CIL Rate Summary 2024
Date submitted: 19/03/24
Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule PDF (799KB)
City of London Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
Date submitted: 16/01/20
Code for Local Employment and Procurement PDF (230KB)
Date submitted: 18/01/22
Employment and Skills Plan Guidance PDF (260KB)
Date submitted: 19/01/22
Deed of Agreement PDF (600KB)
Template for a Deed of Agreement Under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Date submitted: 17/01/20

Mayoral CIL and planning obligations

The Mayor’s charging schedule MCIL2 which replaced the MCIL1 in 2019, used to fund Crossrail, was used to fund the Elizabeth Line and will be used for Crossrail 2. Go to the Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy  for more information.

More information

Further supporting documents are found below.

Planning Obligations SPD May 2021 PDF (300KB)
Date submitted: 16/11/23
S106 Administration and Monitoring Charges (2014) PDF (25KB)
City of London - S106 Administration and Monitoring Charges
Date submitted: 17/01/20
Local Procurement Charter for City Developers (2011) PDF (574KB)
Local Procurement Charter for City Developers
Date submitted: 16/01/20
S106 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-2023 PDF (544KB)
Date submitted: 23/05/24