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Date updated: 16/09/2024

What is LAND4LDN?

The Mayor of London has developed a new platform for managing and understanding London’s housing land supply.

The GLA will be using this system for the first time as part of the next Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA), which they will be launching with the Call for Sites on the 18 September 2024

LAND4LDN gives the opportunity for landowners and developers to identify sites where they wish to bring forward future housing projects through an online tool, available on the GLA's website. The data will inform key strategic documents including the London Plan and is used by London’s boroughs to develop their local plans. 

Landowners and developers can register land interests through the Call for Sites platform, with data being continuously pulled through to the LAND4LDN platform for review and assessment by London boroughs . The call for sites will be publicised periodically to make sure there is a regular update to land supply across the capital. 

Only large sites of 0.25 of a hectare or greater are to be considered through the site assessment process. Sites smaller than this will be considered separately. 


Why participate in LAND4LDN?

The new submission service makes it simpler to contribute to the SHLAA, and the LAND4LDN platform provides new functionality for boroughs to manage land supply information. 

The SHLAA is a key piece of the evidence which informs the London Plan, identifying sites with potential for housing, considering their potential, and assessing when they are likely to be developed. A critical step in producing the SHLAA is undertaking a Call for Sites to identify sites which developers, landowners, community organisations, and members of the public think could be suitable for housing development.  

Submitting your sites through the Greater London Authority's Call for Sites ensures that they have the best available information for strategic planning in London, and is an opportunity to promote sites that you consider have potential for development. 


Who owns/runs the LAND4LDN platform? 

The LAND4LDN platform is hosted and managed by the GLA as part of the collaboration between the GLA and all of the London planning authorities.

The first call for sites will be open for 6 weeks. It will be reopened regularly to maintain an up-to-date dataset. 

The GLA would encourage you to do so, to help them to build a picture of available land. You may wish to develop your land in the future or sell your land for that purpose. You do not need to be a property developer to input your site into the Call for Sites.

Only large sites of 0.25 of a hectare or greater are to be considered through the site assessment process. Sites smaller than this will be considered separately.

No. At this time we are only seeking submission of sites which involve new residential (or mixed use) development.

If there is a residential element to it, please include the site and provide information in the notes about your vision for the site.

Yes, you can input sites on behalf of others if you have their consent. Similarly, others can input sites for you if they have your consent. 

You can still submit a site if you don’t own it, as long as you have essential information about the site that local authorities can consider. Whilst ownership comes in to the likelihood of a development proceeding, we are able to contact owners to get more information if needed.

Please include your site, and the GLA's planning team can work with you to understand more in future.

The sites will not be made public at this time. As sites are progressed through the Local Plan allocation process, they will need to be made public at that stage. 

The only personal data we hold is the contact details you supplied on the Call for Sites. You have the right to request the removal of this information at any time by contacting

Only local authorities with dedicated user accounts can access and review the site data submitted within their boroughs. Site data is not shared any further at this stage.

Adding a site is simple, quick and easy. You can add a site in a few clicks with our new intuitive online tool.

Please include the site and include information in the notes about your vision for the site.

Your personal data (i.e. the contact details you supplied on the Call for Sites) will be held and stored in accordance with the GLA's privacy policy and will not be shared with anyone without your consent. The GLA will only contact you if you have indicated that you would like to be contacted for further information about your submission. 

Data about your site will be shared exclusively with relevant London boroughs to assess its suitability for development and to gain an oversight of development opportunities in London which will then inform decisions on capacity and infrastructure planning.