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Adult Social Care costs

Date updated: 13/12/2023

Contact Adult Social Care on 020 7332 1224 or email Adult Social Care (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) or call 020 8356 8855 outside normal working hours.

Many people are expected to contribute towards the cost of their care and support, though there are some exceptions:

  • re-ablement support (up to six weeks) is provided initially to assist you in regaining your independence
  • aids, and minor adaptions of less than £1,000 are not charged for
  • care and support provided to people with Cruetzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is not charged for
  • aftercare/support provided under the Mental Health Act 1983 section 117 are not charged for
  • NHS services including Continuing Healthcare (CHC) are not chargeable

The amount you pay will depend on your financial circumstances and will be decided following a financial assessment.

You may want to arrange your own services and not be assessed. If so, we can give you advice about this, please email Adult Social Care.

Or you might want to go straight to arranging your own support (including arranging to purchase your own items of equipment) using the Adult directory on the Family Information Service website.