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Time banding FAQs

Date updated: 18/06/2024

I use a wheelie bin, not bags or sacks, how does time banding affect me?

This scheme only applies to bagged, sacked and loose waste placed on the street for collection. If you use storage facilities such as wheelie bins or compactors you will not be affected by the changes and can continue with your method of waste disposal as usual.

What are the restrictions?

Businesses are not allowed to put out waste or recycling for collection between 8am-6pm. Businesses are allowed to put out waste or recycling between 6pm-8am. Waste put out for collection before midnight must be collected within a two hours period from the time it is put out. Waste put out after midnight must be collected by 8am.

Residents must put out their waste out for collection between 6.30pm-7.30pm Monday to Saturday.

Will I be fined if my waste is left on the streets during restricted hours?

Responsibility is on the business to ensure that the waste is collected and it will be held liable by the City. Before imposing a penalty, the enforcement team will work with the business to find a solution to any issue but a Fixed Penalty Notice of £110 can be given followed by a fine of up to £1,000 for persistent offenders.

My premises open at 9am and close before 6pm. What should I do about my waste collection?

The City has allowed for internal collections between 8am-6pm. This is where your waste collector can come into the premises or to the front door to collect bags/sacks and loose waste. Most businesses will arrange the best time for their waste contractor to come and collect the rubbish which will have been stored within the premises until collection.

My premises close at 6pm. How does time banding affect me?

There is no general right to use the public footway to store your rubbish and you have a legal duty to ensure that it does not become a problem. If a business closes at 6pm with the waste collected after 12am, this allows too much time for bags to become a nuisance. Time banding restrictions allows for collection of rubbish within two hours of being placed on the street after 6pm until 12am ensuring it is not left out for hours and allows flexibility for businesses and waste contractors for collection.

My premises close at 10pm. If I leave my rubbish out between 9pm-11pm and it is not collected, how can I be held responsible and face a fine?

It is your rubbish and you have a legal duty to ensure that it does not become a problem so you should employ a competent waste carrier who will collect within the regulations. You can arranged for internal collections direct from inside your premises when they are open would avoid late collection from the street.

My waste is collected very early in the morning, how does time banding affect me?

If waste is collected during the early hours of the morning, collection times can remain the same as long as waste is not put out before 10pm for collection and collected before 8am.

I have private land outside my premises, can I leave my waste there?

Technically this is private property on which you can leave the bags for collection at any time. However please be aware bags and sacks attract litter from passers-by which will not be picked up when your bags are collected as they are loose. One of the main reasons for stopping bags being put out on the streets is to combat the accumulation of loose litter on/around bags.

My premises are too small to have space for storage, what can I do?

We understand that space is a premium commodity within the City but there is no general right to use the public footway to store rubbish. All premises should have space designated for waste storage. If space is insufficient then numerous collections will be needed throughout the day to cope with the volume of waste generated in addition to a review of waste management may also be worthwhile.

I am unable to store food waste overnight due to Health and Safety?

Food waste should be stored overnight in sealable caddies like those you use at home. These durable bins prevent bad smells and odours escaping while offering strong protection against vermin. Environmental Health Officers have confirmed that use of caddies for food waste will not compromise any Health and Safety Regulations.

Why are there two hour slots for collection between 6pm-12am?

During the evening the City’s streets are still being used but not at the intensity levels as during the day. Imposing the two hour time limit for waste to be left on the highway between the hours of 6pm-12am stops anyone putting out waste at 6pm but not having made arrangements to have it collected until midnight, thus reducing the amount of time that bags and sacks can be damaged and attract vermin.

My contractor cannot make internal collections or collect within the two hour slots, what can I do?

It is your responsibility for having rubbish collected and to comply with the regulations so you will need to use a waste contractor who does collect in accordance with the scheme. There is a list of contractors which support the City of London time Banding Scheme and can accommodate internal collections on the business waste collection page.

My contractor is concerned about getting a parking ticket when making an internal collections?

Parking Enforcement Officers allow flexibility for waste vehicles seen to be making internal collections. This does not give freedom to waste vehicles to take control of the road as they still have a duty of care not to obstruct the road. Red route restrictions apply and you need to make arrangements with your contractor for collection.