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Date updated: 4/03/2025

Report a street lighting fault by calling 020 7606 3030.


The Street Lighting Manager must be notified of works that could affect street lighting or illuminated street furniture by contacting the Highways Management team

Lighting team

The Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) team maintain over 12,000 lighting points, such as floodlights, signs, bollards and uplighters as well as the lighting for iconic landmarks such as St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, the Monument and the Barbican.

LED replacement scheme

The City of London Corporation upgraded all the street lights to LED, operated by a Central Management System called Urban Master, which removes unnecessary lighting, enable substantial savings and  reduce carbon emissions by at least 50%.

Urban Master provides real time control so that lights can be dimmed or not switched on where ambient light from buildings provides sufficient illumination. 

Lighting strategy

The M&E team applied the City of London Lighting Strategy to design the replacement LED scheme. The Strategy is a comprehensive, innovative and detailed guide for lighting the City.

Christmas lights

The City Corporation lights a number of installations including several trees and Bow Lane.

Gas lights

There are still 23 historic gas lanterns located in the City. The lights are in Gough Square, behind Royal Exchange, the Guildhall Yard and Greyfriars.

City of London Lighting Strategy PDF (27MB)
Date submitted: 8/06/21