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Street obstructions policy

Date updated: 18/06/2024

Street obstructions policy

The City of London Corporation has a policy to control obstructions on the streets to ensure they are safe. This is particularly important where footfall is high or the footways are narrow. It is a similar approach to Transport for London's, which aims to minimise the number of items that block the footway. 

Obstructions will not be allowed in the following circumstances

  • on footways which are narrower than two metres 
  • on footpaths identified as having a high footfall (such as transport hubs, stations and related pedestrian routes)
  • where they interrupt safe pedestrian movement (regardless of the width of the pavement)

Examples of obstructions

  • freestanding advertisement boards (A Boards)
  • abandoned bicycles
  • bicycles​ secured to street furniture or railings/barriers
  • potted plants or planters
  • distribution stands (newspapers and magazines)
  • tables and chairs
  • display stands
  • unauthorised bins, bags and litter bins

The City Corporation is keen to work with businesses to support their needs and look for on-streets alternative where obstructions are not tolerated.

If you are concerned about an obstruction contact our Street Environment Team. 

020 7332 4970

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