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Date updated: 11/01/2023
Contact the Recycling team

Eight million disposable nappies are thrown away every day - that's an incredible three billion each year! The Recycling Team is pleased to offer parents who live in the City of London the opportunity to receive up to £54.15 cash-back towards the cost of purchasing real nappies or using a real nappy laundry service.

For a Real Nappy Scheme application form contact the Recycling Team or call 020 7606 3110.

If you don't live in the City of London other London Nappy schemes are available.

For more expert advice on the buying and using of real nappies and potty training, Real Nappies for London is a pan-London scheme encouraging parents and carers to try reusable nappies with a view to reducing the amount of nappy-waste going to landfill.

Why choose real nappies over disposable?

​Save money

The average baby gets through 5,000 disposable nappies from birth until potty trained, which costs parents between £700 and £1,000! Research shows parents could save anywhere from £150 to well over £1,000 by using real nappies and this saving increases when they are used on a second or third child.

Better for your baby

Real nappies could be better for your baby. Babies with sensitive skins may react to components in disposable nappies which include plastics, adhesives and absorbing chemicals.

Better for the environment

With estimates of 3 billion disposable nappies being thrown away each year, along with all the raw materials required to create these nappies, the cost of disposing them is excessive as well. The annual disposal cost to local councils (and therefore taxpayers) of this 355,000 tonnes of waste is around £32 million!

What are real nappies like?

Modern versions of cloth nappies are widely available, come in a wide variety of shapes and styles and lots of attractive colours and materials. They are made from natural fibres and organic options are available. If you don't want to wash them yourself, there are plenty of nappy laundry services to choose from.

For more information on using real nappies, where to find trial kits and advice from other users of real nappies, visit Real Nappies for London .

By choosing to use real nappies for your baby, you can:

  • Save money and receive a cash-back award!
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Counter nappy rash as real nappies are breathable
  • Reduce the threat to forests

Real nappy links

The Real Nappies for London website has lots more information and resources listed.

"Parents who live within the City of London have the chance to receive up to £54.15 cash-back"