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Date updated: 22/05/2024

Skyline Skills Hub

This will be a live, free resource which will showcase and signpost to best practice for green skills across Central London's commercial built environment. It will be created by our comms partner Studio Sustancia.

The Hub is designed to raise awareness of the good jobs in the sector, encourage new entrants, and promote green upskilling. It will pose a compelling argument for addressing the green skills gap through investing in the workforce.

We have been engaging with local authorities, building clients, employers and educators to feed into the creation of the Skyline Skills Hub. Launching in December 2024, the hub will be continually refreshed and updated by a legacy steering group of industry experts, ensuring that it maintains relevant to the green skills needs of the day.

Hub’s main target audiences:

  1. Employers, building clients and business leaders
  2. Employees and the supply chain
  3. Underrepresented talent, including young people and experienced hires from other sectors

If your organisation or network is doing work that should be included in our Skyline Skills Hub, get in touch. We are keen to include existing skills recruitment and diversity offers to showcase as examples of best practice. Together we will bring greater clarity and opportunity for achieving real change in the green skills space.​ 
