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Date updated: 10/12/2024

Live invitation to tender opportunities

The City of London Corporation uses a procurement portal called City of London Corporation Sourcing & Contracts Portal for all new tender opportunities. Please register on the portal if you are interested in supplying to the City Corporation.

Commercial Pipeline 2023-2026

The CoL Commercial Pipeline reflects planned procurement activities for the next three years and is organised by department. The Commercial Pipeline is subject to change.

Commercial Pipeline 2023-2026 XLSX (761KB)
City of London Corporation Commercial Pipeline 2023-2026
Date submitted: 23/10/23

Soft Market Testing: Walbrook Wharf - December 2023

The City Corporation is at an early stage in the development of its proposals for Walbrook Wharf. Prior to formal marketing in 2025, the Corporation is seeking input from the market as to what additional uses could make optimal use of this site. It is also seeking to establish the level of market interest in repurposing the buildings at Walbrook Wharf for new uses, whilst accommodating the current operational waste and cleansing depot and waste transfer function as a minimum. Further information including the deadline for participation can be found in the soft market testing document below.

Soft Market Testing for Walbrook Wharf - December 2023 PDF (1MB)
Date submitted: 12/12/23


If you have any comments on these procurement pages or suggestions as to how we can improve them please email the Policy and Compliance team.