Biodiversity in the Square Mile
There are approximately 376 open spaces totalling 32 hectares in the City of London that include parks, gardens, churchyards and plazas. Together these small, high quality and intensively used open spaces are highly valued by all and offer an important resource for biodiversity in the Square Mile. There is also an increasingly important resource for biodiversity at roof top level with the addition of green roofs and roof terraces.
Biodiversity Action Plan
The aim of the Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) is to produce a set of objectives and actions to support the wider City community in delivering strategically planned biodiversity networks for both the City and Greater London, taking into consideration both local and national priorities.
The BAP will be delivered under the following themes:
- Open space and habitat management
- The built environment
- Education and community engagement
- Data collection, surveys and monitoring
The following target species have been selected for their wider conservation value and importance. They act as a focus for raising awareness and targeting biodiversity conservation actions. Many of the actions to promote these species will have wider positive benefits to biodiversity in the Square Mile.
- House Sparrow - Passer domesticus
- Black Redstart - Phoenicurus ochruros
- Swift - Apus apus
- Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus
- Bats - Chiroptera spp.
- Wild bees - (bumblebees and solitary bees)
- Bumblebees - Bombus spp.
- Stag Beetle - Lucanus cervus
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) are areas designated for their importance for wildlife and for people to experience nature. There are 10 SINCs in the Square Mile.
The London Plan identifies the need to protect biodiversity and to provide opportunities for people to access nature through local green spaces. The best examples of key habitats and green spaces are identified as SINCs. These are non-statutory designated sites identified by local authorities. In London, sites are categorised of importance at a Metropolitan, Borough and Local level.
The following sites have been identified in the City of London:
Sites of Metropolitan Importance for Nature Conservation (SMINC)
- MO31 - The River Thames and its Tidal Tributaries
Sites of Borough Importance for Nature Conservation (SBINC) Grade 2
- CiBII01 - The Temple Gardens
- CiBII02 - The Barbican and St Alphage's Garden
Sites of Local Importance for Nature Conservation (SLINC)
- CiL01- Pepys Garden and St Olave's Churchyard, Seething Lane
- CiL02 - St Paul's Cathedral Garden
- CiL03 - Cleary Gardens
- CiL04 - St Botolph without Bishopsgate Churchyard
- CiL05 - Aldermanbury Gardens
- CiL06 - The Roman Wall, Noble Street
- CiL07 - Finsbury Circus