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Date updated: 4/02/2025

Rangers start to open the parking areas from 8am - please see signs at entrance gates for the current closing time for each car park. The main car park on Lord Mayors Drive closes at dusk; from 4.30pm to 9pm. Closing time for the Stag and Dell car parks on Hawthorn Lane ranges from 4.30pm in winter to 7pm in summer. There is no post code for the main car park, but SL2 3PS will get you within 50 metres.

Parking at Stoke Common is limited to a lay-by with space for just a few cars.

Parking charges

Daily parking charges (weekends and weekdays) now apply at Burnham Beeches. The system is cashless, accepting payments through RingGo or by card.

  • Monday - Friday (excluding bank/public holidays): up to 2 hours £1.50 over 2 hours £3
  • Weekends and bank/public holidays: £3 per day
  • Coaches and minibuses (17 seats or more): £18 per day at all times
  • Free for Blue Badge holders clearly displaying a valid badge AND registering their vehicle via email or telephone (01785 336780). 
  • Payment is accepted through the RingGo car park system.

Please ensure:

  • A valid pay and display ticket is clearly displayed when paying by card.
  • A valid badge is displayed and that you register as above, if you are a Blue Badge holder.
  • Not to park in a residents parking area without a residents permit.

A £70 charge will be applied if these are not adhered to. 

Season ticket

Season tickets can be bought through RingGo (note: you may find it simpler to do this if you have first registered with RingGo). They will be available either as an annual ticket for £180 (a saving of around 67% if you visit every day for less than two hours), or monthly at £16 per month. If your household uses another vehicle to visit you can add that for just £20 annually or £2 for the monthly tickets (please note: it is not currently possible to add a second car to a season ticket when using the RingGo App - this is only possible via the RingGo website).

Purchase season ticket

Changes to parking conditions: frequently asked questions

Burnham Beeches is a registered charity with the City of London acting as the site’s trustee, providing funding from its private income to support the recreation and conservation work being carried out here. As part of a fundamental review of its services, the City of London Corporation continues to reduce the financial support it provides across all of its Open Space Charities. As a result, parking charges will now apply at all times at Burnham Beeches, not just at weekends and bank holidays. All the money raised through car park charges helps towards maintaining existing services, where possible, on this amazing National Nature Reserve and helps protect Burnham Beeches for it’s wildlife and for future generations of visitors. The likelihood of this change was made public at the management plan consultation in 2019.

The charge rates vary depending on what day you visit and how long for: Monday to Friday the charge is £1.50 for up to 2 hrs or £3 daily. Weekends and bank holidays the charge is £3 daily as at present. Coaches and mini-buses are £18 at all times. The variation in parking rates means that if your weekday visit is short, you will not have to pay for a whole day. The rates were agreed with the local Consultation Group and supported by the City of London's Epping Forest and Commons Committee.

These prices came into force in December 2019, over four years since prices were previously increased. Even with the move to daily charges, these rates still compare very favourably to other local green spaces. This change came thirteen years after the first machines were installed for donations and followed nine years of only having to pay to park on weekends and bank holidays.

Disabled drivers can park for free if they meet the following:

  • they must clearly display a valid blue badge
  • and they must register their vehicle by phone (01785 336780) or email (
  • If they have more than one vehicle or come with friends/family, each vehicle must be registered.

The new machines are cashless. You can use the RingGo pay by phone system and can also pay by card. Season tickets are also available (see above).

The amount of funding provided by visitors in this way equates to about 20% of the site maintenance and running costs; 80% is still provided from other resources with the majority being at no cost to the tax payer.

Yes. Donations can be made via any car park machine or through the RingGo website using the site code 28484. Alternatively you can use the donations box in the information point or donate on-line.

The City of London continues to work with Buckinghamshire Council to introduce measures that will help to prevent dangerous and inconsiderate parking on neighbouring roads. We will update further as this project progresses. We appreciate your support and understanding as we try to maintain the high level of services currently provided on the site.