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Date updated: 20/02/2025

Parliament Hill Lido, Kenwood Ladies Pond and Highgate Men's Pond are open all year round. Hampstead Mixed Pond is open from May to October, and is closed to public swimming at other times.

We operate seasonal opening hours.

The Mixed Pond is open from Monday 24 February to Friday 04 April 2025 for Ladies only swimming while the Ladies' Pond is closed for maintenance.

The Mixed Pond is scheduled to open for mixed swimming on Saturday 05 April 2025, subject to completion of the maintenance works at the Ladies' Pond.

Bathing Ponds swimming times
Date from Open Last entry Vacate water Vacate facility
1 September 7am 6.45pm 7pm 7.15pm
15 September 7am 5.45pm 6pm 6.15pm
13 October 7.30am 4.45pm 5pm 5.15pm
27 October 7am 2pm 2.15pm 2.30pm
24 November 7.30am 2.30pm 2.45pm 3pm
16 February 7am 2pm 2.15pm 2.30pm



Lido swimming sessions from 30 September
Session Open Last entry Vacate water Vacate facility
Winter 7am 12.30pm 1pm 1.30pm

The open/closed status of our swimming facilities can be found at

Closures are also communicated through our Social Media Channels: