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Date updated: 13/02/2025

Swimming tickets and prices for Hampstead Heath’s Bathing Ponds and Parliament Hill Lido.

Bathing Ponds

Single ticket prices - all year round
Adult  Concession Junior
£4.70 £2.80 n/a


Single ticket prices - summer season
Time Adult Concession Junior
Breakfast £4.70  £2.80 Free
Morning £8.20 £4.90 £2.50
Afternoon £8.20 £4.90 £2.50
Evening £4.70 £2.80 n/a


Single ticket prices - winter season
Adult Concession Junior
£4.70 £2.80 £1.40

If you swim regularly, a season ticket works out at very good value.

Buy or renew a season ticket, or order a replacement band

Season ticket prices
Location Duration Adult Concession
Lido 1 months £56.20 £33.70
Lido 6 months £159.50 £95.60
Lido 12 months £234.30 £141.00
Bathing Ponds 6 months £77.30 £46.40
Bathing Ponds 12 months £146.50 £87.80
Lido & Bathing Ponds  6 months £180.50 £108.50
Lido & Bathing Ponds  12 months £260.50 £156.50

Partnership with Loylap

The City of London Corporation is working with Loylap as a Service Partner to manage the Wristband Season Ticket Holder accounts. LoyLap do not share your personal data or contact information with 3rd parties and expressly do not use your information for marketing purposes.

Read our full privacy notice.

As a season ticket Loylap will invite you to create an optional account with them which will not affect the use of your wristband to gain access to swimming.

Terms and conditions of the season ticket

  • Season Ticket wristbands are non-transferable.
  • There is a £5 fee to replace Season Ticket wristbands.
  • Season Ticket wristbands are non-refundable (except where Season Ticket wristbands have been suspended by the City of London Corporation).
  • Season Ticket wristband holders do not have priority access when an entry queue is operating.
  • With prior notice the Bathing Ponds and Lido may be closed to facilitate staff training, facility maintenance and additional cleaning.
  • Applications for Concession Season Ticket wristbands are subject to verification of the supporting documentation which has been uploaded as part of your application.
  • A Carer Season Ticket may only be used when accompanying an eligible Swimmer and may not be used for access to the Bathing Ponds or Lido at other times. Applications for a Carer Season Ticket will be considered and granted on a case-by-case basis. A Carer Season Ticket may be revoked should it be used except for the purpose of accompanying an eligible Swimmer.
  • A Season Ticket wristband may be revoked should a swimmer enter either the Bathing Ponds or Parliament Hill Fields Lido outside of the advertised opening hours, or in contravention of a Lifeguards instruction.
  • A Season Ticket wristband may be revoked should a holder be found to be swimming in any non-Lifeguarded Pond on the Heath.
  • A Season Ticket Wristband must be touched-in when entering either the Bathing Ponds or Parliament Hill Fields Lido.
  • There may be occasions, when the Lido or Ponds need to be closed at short notice, for example due to lightning storms, poor water quality or essential maintenance. We will not extend or refund season tickets on these occasions, but we will always try to offer alternative swimming options for season ticket holders.

Concessionary rates are available to under 18s, those in receipt of certain State Benefits, Disabled people, Students, and 60+ years. See details below:

Guidance to concession eligibility and evidence
Concession eligibility Examples of suitable documents*
We accept copies and pictures on phones
60+ years Older Person’s Freedom Pass, picture of passport, formal letter or document with age or date of birth

Receipt of certain State Benefits:

  • Universal Credit (including Working Tax
  • Credit)
  • Job Seekers Allowance (including (E)ESA)
  • Personal Independence Payments
  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Guardian’s Allowance
  • Housing Benefit
  • War Widow(er)’s Pension
Letter confirming receipt of relevant benefit, screen shot inside online account/portal, redacted bank statement showing payments received with relevant reference information.
Disabled swimmers Document confirming receipt of relevant disability benefit or disability status, Blue Badge, relevant medical document, third party ID card.
Student status Student ID Card, letter from University or College, Student loan letter, Higher education support letter, Council tax exemption, Student affiliation card.
16-18 years old Evidence of being in full time education, apprenticeship or training. Or evidence of volunteering whilst in part-time time education, apprenticeship or training.
Under 16 years Oyster Zip Card, picture of passport, formal letter or document with age or date of birth.

*This list is not exhaustive, other forms of evidence will be considered.

Requirements for eligibility evidence

To receive a concessionary rate, swimmers must provide evidence to demonstrate their eligibility for that concession.

Evidence must display:

  • The swimmer’s full name
  • Confirmation of the relevant criteria according to concession being claimed (e.g. student status, age or date of birth, title of benefit received, etc.)
  • If the concessionary status is subject to expiry, the evidence must be current (i.e. in date) or dated within 3 months. In cases where evidence is issued annually, or similar, additional corroborative supporting evidence is required.
  • Formal documents must show relevant headers and footers demonstrating the source of the document.

Swimmers under 16 years and 60+ years can swim free of charge up to 9.30am on production of proof of age. 

Where swimmers require, they can be accompanied by a Carer. Carers swim free-of-charge when accompanying the supported swimmer. Swimmers can demonstrate their need for a Carer by providing evidence or spoken information at Reception.

Parents are not considered Carers unless the child has additional impacting needs and is 8+ years.

If you are a season ticket holder who requires a Carer to be able swim, you may apply for a Carer Season Ticket for use by your Carer each time you swim.

Carer Season Tickets are issued in addition to, and as a duplicate of, the supported swimmer's own Season Ticket and are issued in the supported swimmer’s name.

A Carer Season Ticket may only be used when accompanying an eligible Swimmer and may not be used for access to the Bathing Ponds or Lido at other times. Applications for a Carer Season Ticket will be considered and granted on a case-by-case basis. A Carer Season Ticket may be revoked should it be used except for the purpose of accompanying an eligible Swimmer.

Refunds and Changes to Swimming Tickets

Booked Sessions (Eventbrite) Refunds - Rules and Procedures

  1. Refunds can be requested up to 24 hours before the booked event.
  2. Refunds can be requested for a whole order only; partial orders cannot be refunded.
  3. Requests must be requested via the Refund button in the specific Eventbrite ticket
  4. Refunds cannot be requested via any “Contact the organiser” options.
  5. We do not accept refund requests:
    • Within the 24 hours prior to the booked event,
    • After the event has happened,
    • For non-attendance at an event,
    • Where an incorrect ticket is purchased,
    • For weather related breaks in service, except when we close the entire facility.

Drop-In and Pay-As-You-Go Tickets

We do not offer refunds:

  1. To non-swimmers,
  2. For weather related breaks in service, except when we close the entire facility,
  3. To swimmers who are prevented from swimming as a result of their breach of our rules,
  4. To swimmers who change their mind after purchase.

Season Tickets

  1. Under UK Distance Selling Regulations, you may request a refund of a season ticket, bought online, within 14 days of your purchase. Requests must be made in writing to the Hampstead Heath Swimming Team.
  2. If you have bought the wrong Season Ticket, you may purchase the correct season ticket within 14 days of the (online) purchase and request a refund of the original ticket. We do not change ticket types after purchase, nor provide refunds more than 14 days after purchase.
  3. We consider requests to pause season tickets for unforeseen medical reasons only. 
    • We do not consider requests where the medical condition was known about or could have been predicted at the point of purchase.
    • The request to pause a season ticket must be made within 3 months of the first date the medical condition stopped the swimmer from being able to swim.
    • Requests to pause a season ticket must be supported by formal documentation from a recognised Heath Care Professional. The documentation must include relevant dates and display sufficient header and footer information to demonstrate the source of the information.
    • Such requests must be made in writing to the Hampstead Heath Swimming Team.

If you cannot use our online systems please visit any of our venues and speak to a member of staff, or, if you can, email the Hampstead Heath Swimming Team.