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Date updated: 12/03/2024

Hampstead Heath is a fantastic place to hold all sorts of events and we welcome applications from anyone who'd like to use the Heath.

Apply to hold an event

To apply to hold an event, just email Hampstead Heath and tell us as much as you can about the event you'd like to hold, like:

  • How many people you think are coming
  • The type of event you're looking to hold
  • Dates and times you'd like your event to be on
  • Any equipment you'd be using
  • And any other details you think might be relevant

Please note

We do have to look at applications on a case-by-case basis to make sure we're putting the needs of the Heath and our everyday visitors first. That does mean we can't say yes to every application, but let us know what you'd like to do and we'll see if we can make it happen.

Our events policy

If you'd like a bit more detail on how we decide which events to grant permits for, how much we're likely to charge, and other questions, see our events policy documents:

Events policy - part two PDF (3MB)
Date submitted: 12/03/24