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Date updated: 27/05/2024

Volunteer tasks

Volunteering on one of the four Coulsdon Commons is a fantastic way to connect with nature, meet new people, get fit and make a difference to some of the most biodiverse open spaces in South London. Throughout the year, we carry out a range of practical conservation tasks led by the site Rangers. These tasks include things such as coppicing, hedgelaying, fencing and scrub clearance, all for the benefit of wildlife and visitors who use the Coulsdon Commons. 

By becoming a volunteer you get a unique chance to get involved with these outstanding spaces, meeting new people, developing skills and learning about the environment.

The tasks are fairly physical so you'll need to be reasonably fit and comfortable working outdoors for several hours in all weathers. We provide all the necessary tools including gloves and equipment for each task as well as tea, coffee and biscuits. We meet onsite and the tasks usually start around 10am going until 3pm with several breaks throughout the day. You'll need to bring a pair of sturdy boots, preferably ones with a steel toe cap, warm clothing and lunch. 

Where and when

Volunteering on the Coulsdon Commons
Site When do we normally meet
Coulsdon Common First Thursday of the month
Riddlesdown Second Thursday of the month
Kenley Common Third Tuesday of the month
Farthing Downs Forth Thursday of the month


Young people

Anyone below 18 years of age can join in with volunteer tasks provided that they are accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. 

How to get involved

If you are interested in volunteering with us, please submit an inquiry via the form below. We will then add you to the mailing list for your chosen site/sites so that the Rangers can contact you with specific information and the meeting point for any upcoming tasks.

Volunteer sign-up form

Duke of Edinburgh Award

For those who are working towards the volunteer element of the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award you can volunteer with us by picking litter on one of the four Coulsdon Commons. We can supply you with everything that you'll need to get started including a litter picker, bags and gloves. This can be done at a time that suits you best and you'll have to be accompanied by a responsible adult. If you are interested, please email us and let us know which site is best for you. 

Contact the Coulsdon Commons team