Ward elections and ward lists
The City of London Wards find their origins in the Middle Ages. At the time, small areas within a city were able to act as self-governing communities with their own assemblies (wardmote) and systems of public order (elected beadles). Today there are 25 Wards in the City and although their boundaries have changed throughout the centuries, they still maintain their geographic and administrative entities together with their electoral and political duties.
All wards are represented on the Court of Common Council by an Alderman and a number of Common Councillors.
Aldermen and Common Councillors are elected by the electors of the ward who are registered to vote on the relevant ward list. Registration occurs annually when forms are sent to all residents and businesses in the City.
The City has a unique demography with a relatively low residential population but an estimated daily working population in excess of 500,000. This is reflected in its electorate.
Ward elections
For Common Councillors, elections are held every four years. Aldermanic elections are held as required, as Aldermen serve a term of six years. These are elections for Aldermen and Common Councillors only – not for the Greater London Authority, UK or European Parliaments.
Common Councillors
They sit on the different committees that discuss and make decisions on the day-to-day activities and projects of the City of London. The crucial issues that arise from these committees go on to be debated in the Court of Common Council. Common Councillors cover a wide range of professions and City interests but do not represent any political party. They are elected for a four year term.
Each ward has one or two Deputies, depending on the size of the ward. Common Councillors are appointed as Deputy at their wardmote by the Alderman for their ward. Their role is to deputise to the Alderman.
The Alderman is the senior Member of a ward and also sits in the Court of Aldermen which has historic functions such as approving people for Freedom of the City and approving the formation of new livery companies. The Lord Mayor is drawn from the ranks of the Aldermen. There are separate arrangements for Aldermen whereby they face re-election every six years.
There are appointed roles to each Ward that play an important part in Ward Elections:
Honorary Ward Clerks
Honorary Ward Clerks play a key role in administering the annual “Wardmotes”, annual meetings of the Wards that have been taking place for centuries. The origins of the office of Honorary Ward Clerk derive from the post of Ward Clerk: the precise origins of that post, in and of itself, are unclear; in 1837, it was suggested that "the Ward Clerk is an officer of modern creation" but the office almost certainly owes its origins to the office of the “Clerk of the Alderman” (a position mentioned c.1419). Today, Honorary Ward Clerks are appointed annually at the Wardmotes in March by the Alderman of the Ward and play a key role in administering and taking the official records of the meetings. A description of the role and a list of duties can be found below. If you would like more information on how to put your name forward to be appointed as an Honorary Ward Clerk, please contact Electoral Services.
The role of Ward Beadle is one of the oldest elected offices in the City of London, with references to them found at least as early as the end of the 13th century. They are familiar to many by their tricorn hats, colourful costumes, and the maces they carry. Their original duties in the Middle Ages included the maintenance of public order, in which they worked with the constable and the watch, and the safeguarding of public morality. Now, Beadles are nominated by the Alderman of the Ward and elected annually at the Wardmotes in March, and they play a role at certain ceremonial and electoral functions in support of the Alderman. A description of the role and a list of duties can be found below. If you would like more information on how to put your name forward to be nominated as a Ward Beadle, please contact Electoral Services. Please note that this role, due to the nature of the ceremonial activities, may require prolonged periods of standing / sitting and / or walking whilst carrying a mace.
Ward Clubs
The 25 Wards of the City of London each have a Ward Club (some Wards share a club).
Ward Lists
The City is the only area in the country in which the number of workers significantly outnumbers the residents and therefore, to be truly representative of its population, offers a vote to City organisations so they can have their say on the way the City is run. More information about registration can be found on the residential registration and business vote registration pages.
Ward List publication
Notice is hereby given that Ward Lists, showing who is able to vote in Ward elections between 16 February 2025 and 15 February 2026, have been published.
The Wardmote Book
The City of London Wardmote book is a guide to the procedure to be followed at ward elections in the City of London, from the registration of voters to the qualifications of candidates in elections and the day of the election.