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Date updated: 7/02/2025

The City of London Corporation owns and manages two sheltered housing schemes for people aged 60 and over: Isleden House (Islington), and Harman Close (Southwark). The eligibility age of 60 for City of London Sheltered Housing applies from 1 May 2023 for a 12 month period. 

People aged over 55 who are on a low income may be eligible to apply for housing through the City of London Almshouses Trust.

Anchor​ provides sheltered accommodation for older people at Tudor Rose Court, located in the Square Mile.

The City funds housing-related support to prevent problems that can often lead to hospitalisation, institutional care or homelessness, and can help with the smooth transition to independent living for those leaving institutional environments.

Contact the Sheltered Housing team on 020 7332 3582 or by emailing the Sheltered Housing Team.

Support in your own home

We offer a tenancy support service for vulnerable people who need support in their own homes.

This service works with tenants who may have:

  • learning difficulties
  • mental health problems
  • a history of street homelessness
  • other problems that affect their housing and their ability to manage a tenancy.

The service offers general support that can include help introduce tenants to local resources, help with finances or addressing welfare benefit problems.

Support is provided in the tenant's home and is usually offered on a short-term basis.

Other City Corporation departments and some voluntary agencies (such as Toynbee Hall's City Advice scheme) can refer City tenants to this service if they have concerns about them being able to cope in their own homes.

Unfortunately our tenancy support service has a limited number of placements and therefore cannot accept self-referrals at this time.

For more information about our tenancy support service, please email the Tenancy Support team.