Pay your rent
Annual Rent Change
We review rents annually in April based on central government policy. The current government policy is valid until April 2026 and allows for rent increases up to September 2024’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%. The CPI in September 2024 was 1.7%.
Starting on 7 April, we are increasing the rent for City of London Corporation housing tenants by 2.7%. We hope that this will come as a welcome relief for our tenants after two years of rent increases over 7%.
Your rent allows us to:
- Maintain daily services on our estates
- Support our major works programme
- Upgrade our housing stock.
At the end of February, we will deliver rent increase notices. These notices include important advice for tenants on Universal Credit.
At the end of April, we will deliver updated rent statements and charge cards. Tenants on Universal Credit will need these to update their Universal Credit journals for correct payments.
If you’re struggling with rent payments, contact your Income Recovery Officers or the Rents Team. You can also reach out to City Advice or check our online resources for help with heating, child care costs, and more.
Your rent is due fortnightly, but you can also pay monthly or weekly if it is more convenient for you.
Direct debit
This is the easiest and most efficient way to pay your rent. Once it’s set up, you'll never have to worry about paying your rent on time again. You have the choice of paying on the 5th or 20th of the month and we let you know the amount ten days in advance of the payment date.
Download the direct debit form at the top of the page. This form should be completed electronically and returned via email where possible.
Telephone payments
Call the City of London Automated Payment Line on 03000 132 418. You will need your 10-digit Tenancy Reference number (starting with 500) to pay this way.
Internet banking
You can make a payment from your own online banking service. For details on how to set up contact the Rents Section on 020 7332 1750 or by emailing the Rents Section.
Online payment service
You can pay online 24 hours a day through our secure server using your credit or debit card.
Your payment will be credited to your rent account on the next working day.
Bank standing order
If you wish to pay by standing order please contact the Rent Section so that we can calculate the correct payment for you to ensure that your rent account is clear at the end of the financial year.
We will send you a form each time your rent changes and you must complete the form and send directly to your bank in time to start the new payments.
If you have an existing standing order to pay your housing rent that you wish to cancel so that you can set up a direct debit please download the also fill out the new direct debit form above.
Housing payment card
Using your Housing Payment card you can go into any Post Office in the country and pay your rent by either cash or cheque (cheques to be made payable to "The Post Office"). Your account will then be credited with your payment on the next working day.
Payzone outlets are based in supermarkets, garages and newsagents. You can use your Housing Payment Card to pay your rent anywhere in the country, using cash only, just keep an eye out for the Payzone logo.
Direct from your City of London salary or pension
If you are employed by the City of London or receive a pension from them you can arrange to have your rent paid directly from your salary or pension. Contact the Rent Section, on the details above, for a form and so that we can calculate the correct payment for you to ensure that your rent account is clear at the end of the financial year.
We are no longer able to take payments by cheque.
If you have difficulty paying your rent, you need to let us know as soon as possible.
Making us aware of your situation will enable us to discuss the problem and advise you on what action you need to take. We can also provide the necessary information for making a housing benefit claim.
Do not ignore your rent arrears, as the amount will escalate and you may put yourself in danger of losing your home. If legal action is started you will have to pay the costs, which will increase your debt.
Should you find yourself in the position of being unable to deal with rent arrears, losing your home or any other debt, you should contact City Advice.
The Rents Section
Department of Community and Children's Services
City of London
3 Lauderdale Place
London EC2Y 8EN
020 7332 1750
Get in touch