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Date updated: 11/03/2024

​A street collection licence is required for any person wishing to collect money on any public street or place within the City of London.

Guidance notes and information

Guidence notes for street collections PDF (62KB)
Date submitted: 23/01/20
City of London regulations for street collections PDF (125KB)
Date submitted: 23/01/20
Charity Collections Policy PDF (279KB)
Date submitted: 2/02/23

Please note that permits are issued for Tuesdays and Fridays and applications must be made no later than the first of the month preceding the month when the collection will be held.

Apply for a licence

Application form for street collections PDF (115KB)
Date submitted: 23/01/20

Completed applications should be returned to

City of London licensing team
PO Box 270
London EC2P 2EJ


A prescribed form of accounts must be submitted to the licensing section within three months of the collection date.

Street collections return form PDF (276KB)
Date submitted: 21/01/20

If you would like advice or assistance with an application or licence please contact the licensing team by phone on 020 7332 3406 or send an email to the Licensing Team.