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Date updated: 28/02/2025

The City of London developed the Cool Streets and Greening Programme following the adoption of its Climate Action Strategy. The proposed public realm enhancement works at the southern end of Little Trinity Lane form part of this programme.

The project aims to create a more welcoming and comfortable environment where workers, residents and visitors would want to dwell as well as delivering climate resilience measures forming part of the City’s Climate Action Strategy.

The design approach celebrates the rich architecture and history of the area and takes cues from the most striking components of the space, including St James Garlickhythe church façade. The existing planter along Upper Thames Street is being redesigned and a new rain garden will be introduced at the centre of the space.

In addition to introducing sustainable drainage, the planting palette has been developed so it is climate resilient, low maintenance and supports biodiversity. Existing trees are in poor health due to underground constraints. It is proposed to create better ground conditions for the new trees to establish themselves and thrive in the long term. They will provide more shade, absorb rainwater run-off, and mitigate pollution from Upper Thames Street.

Initial proposals included accessibility improvements in the vicinity, including a new raised table crossing at the junction of Garlick Hill, Little Trinity Lane and Skinners Lane, additional dropped kerbs and a carriageway raingarden. However, these proposals were not feasible due to costs and will be developed at a later stage once funding becomes available.

Little Trinity Lane Public Realm enhancements works include:

  • Introducing a new raingarden planter to collect surface level drainage water thus relieving capacity of the sewer system, as well as introducing biodiverse planting;
  • Reshaping the existing planter to the south to create a green buffer from the busy Upper Thames Street, with biodiverse plants, shrubs and trees;
  • Replacing street trees in poor health with new trees and associated excavation works to enable their long-term growth;
  • Installation of new seating for people to dwell and rest;
  • Repaving of the southern footway on Little Trinity Lane.

Works started onsite in November 2024 and are anticipated to be completed by April 2025. Further construction information is available below.

Construction information

Construction commenced on Monday 18 November 2024 with the aim to complete by April 2025.

To limit disturbance, noisy works will only be undertaken between 8-10am and 12-2pm, Monday to Friday, and 9am-2pm on Saturday.

Every effort will be made to keep the disruption to a minimum, however if you have any concerns please contact us (see contact details below).

To enable construction works, the contractor FM Conway has set up its site compound on Little Trinity Lane (opposite Virgin). To accommodate their site compound, parking bay referenced DRLT1 (Doctors Bay), DLT1 (Disabled Bay) and DLT2 (Disabled bay) has been suspended from 18 November to 30 March 2025. The nearest alternative Disabled Bay is 130m away in College Street (reference DCG1).

If this impacts you adversely and you need further advice and support, please contact us so we can see how we can additionally support you and minimise the impact of the works.

Contact us

If you have an enquiry regarding the Little Trinity Lane project, please contact the Policy & Projects team. If you require out of hours assistance, please contact the City Corporation's main switchboard on 0207 606 3030.

Little Trinity Lane Plan PDF (974 KB)
Date submitted: 4/02/25