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Date updated: 10/01/2025
Have your say! Take part in our survey

The City of London Corporation’s project to transform Leadenhall Street aims to enhance the experience of people walking, wheeling, and cycling in the heart of the Eastern City.

To create a more welcoming and sustainable environment, our proposals would:

  • Increase the width of the pavements along the street by up to 3m
  • Improve crossings and add new crossing points. These will be raised to make them more accessible
  • Introduce trees and planters to green the street, provide shade and absorb rainwater
  • Add seating for people to stop and rest
  • Celebrate the rich history of the area by incorporating historical references into planters and seating - see the consultation portal/attachment at the bottom of this webpage for more information

The design aims to create a world-class environment on Leadenhall Street. The illustrations at the bottom of this webpage give an indication of how the street will look in the future.

The proposals align with the City Corporation’s City Cluster Vision, Transport Strategy, Climate Action Strategy, and the Eastern City Business Improvement District Public Realm Vision.

The Leadenhall Street Transformation Project is kindly supported and part-funded by the Eastern City Business Improvement District.

Be part of the conversation

Public consultation on our proposals for Leadenhall Street is running until 9 February 2025. Visit the Leadenhall Street Commonplace consultation portal to read further details and provide feedback on the proposals. The consultation closes on 9 February 2025.

If you wish to discuss the Leadenhall Street proposals in-person, the project team is holding public drop-in sessions and welcome feedback.

Please see the dates and locations of the Leadenhall Street drop-in sessions below (booking is not required):

Drop-in sessions
Date & Time Location
16 January 2025
11am - 1pm
City of London Corporation,
Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH
North Wing (between Aldermanbury & Basinghall Street)
Room 10 (ground floor, north wing) right-hand side of reception
28 January 2025
11am - 1pm
City of London Corporation,
Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH
North Wing (between Aldermanbury & Basinghall Street)
Room 10 (ground floor, north wing) right-hand side of reception
3 February 2025
4 - 6pm
St Andrew Undershaft, St Mary Axe, London, EC3A 8BN

Leadenhall Street is part of the proposed Aldgate to Blackfriars Cycleway. A separate consultation is taking place – please visit the Aldgate to Blackfriars Cycleway Commonplace portal to provide feedback on the proposals until 9 February 2025. 

What happens next

We will assess the responses received during the consultation and will take onboard feedback where possible. The design will be finalised and we aim to start construction in autumn 2025.

Get in touch

If you have any comments or questions on the proposals, or would like to be kept up to date on the project’s progress, please contact the Leadenhall Street Project team.

Artistic rendering of people walking, wheeling and cycling on Leadenhall Street following on-street improvements including wider footways, raised crossing points and seating and greening measures.
Leadenhall Street Proposed Layout PDF (700KB)
Date submitted: 27/11/24
Leadenhall Street Design Concepts PDF (28MB)
Date submitted: 20/11/24