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Private flats without bin store

Date updated: 27/01/2025

Mixed recycling

A kerbside collection is provided to those residents who do not have access to a bin store or refuse chamber.

The City of London provides clear household recycling bags to those residents receiving a kerbside collection.

Please tie your bag and place it on the street between 6-8pm, Monday to Saturday. This is in order to comply with the City of London's bagged waste restrictions. If the specified waste and recycling presentation time is missed, your bags must be stored off the street until the next scheduled collection. Please note, there are no collections on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

Recycling and Household Waste bags are delivered every six months. To order bags between deliveries, please call 020 7606 3110.

Find out what you can add to your clear recycling bags at our clear recycling bags page.

You can also recycle the following items:

Low energy light bulbs and batteries

You can recycle your low energy light bulbs and batteries in the bins at the following locations:

  • Artizan Street Library, Artizan street
  • Barbican Estate Office, 3 Lauderdale Place
  • Barbican Library, The Barbican Centre (batteries only)
  • Golden Lane Estate Office, Fann Street
  • Guildhall North Wing Reception, Basinghall Street (batteries only)
  • Guildhall West Wing Reception, Aldermanbury (batteries only)
  • Shoe Lane Library, Little New Street

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and bulky waste

Small electricals items should be deposited into WEEE bins at Minories & Castle Baynard carpark or alternatively you could deposit them at:

  • Golden Lane Estate Office, Fann Street (The Estate Officer will direct you to the bin area)

Large items are collected through the Bulky Waste collection service and sent for reuse or recycling.

Call 020 7606 3110 to arrange a collection. There may be a charge for this service.

Textiles, clothes and shoes

Put textiles, clothes and shoes in the Salvation Army collection banks at:

  • Castle Baynard carpark
  • Minories carpark
  • Golden Lane Estate Office, Fann Street (The Estate Officer will direct you to the bin area)

Items that you cannot put in your clear recycling bag​

  • Crisp packets and other flexible plastic packaging
  • Food waste
  • Polystyrene
  • Nappies
  • Black bags
  • Textiles
  • Ceramics