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​Furze Ground includes heathland with the striking colours of heather, gorse and purple moor grass. Tippa Burn is a vibrant strip lined with magnificent towering beech pollards.

Things to do in Furze Ground and Tippa Burn

  • Explore the area on foot, by bike, or with your dog
  • Pick up our Oak Trail to head toward Ambresbury Banks or Bell Common
  • Head west to Great Monk Wood to explore thicker woodland
  • Enjoy the vast array of flora here and try to spot our orchids
  • Keep an eye out for deer and other Forest wildlife
Epping Forest map PDF (256KB)
Date submitted: 20/11/19
Oak trail PDF (525KB)
Date submitted: 20/11/19

Parking and travel info

By car

Parking is available at these car parks:

Car parks
Car park nameNearest postcodewhat3words address
Jacks HillIG10 2NY///skills.blast.feels
Goldings HillIG10 1SF///

Please visit our car parking page for opening and closing times for each of our car parks.