Transport Strategy
Managing the City's streets
The City of London Corporation's Transport Strategy was first published in 2019. This has since been updated and the Transport Strategy Second Edition can be found attached below.
Our streets are essential for our residents, workers and visitors to get where they need to go, receive the services they need, and enjoy our vibrant places, historic buildings, parks and green spaces. City streets also represent most of our public space and should be accessible to anyone and everyone.
The details of schemes and initiatives and the timeframe for seeing changes on our streets are set out in the Transport Strategy Delivery Plan. This sets out a 5 year programme and is updated every year. Progress and record of achievements can be found in the Annual Report and the City Streets Summary Report.
Keeping things moving efficiently
How people and goods travel in the City has a major impact on our economy, environment and health. As the number of people travelling in the City grows, it will be essential to reduce motor traffic and help people to travel in the most space-efficient and energy efficient way. Reductions in traffic will also help improve air quality and make our streets safer.
Most people already travel to and around the Square Mile on foot, by cycle or public transport. This is likely to continue, but only if walking, cycling and using public transport are convenient, attractive, inclusive and safe.
Our strategy sets out the long-term vision for our streets, public spaces and public transport system to ensure we remain a great place to live, work, study and visit.
The Transport Strategy sits alongside the City Corporation's City Plan 2040, in shaping our built environment.
What we aim to achieve
The Transport Strategy includes proposals to:
- Prioritise the needs of people walking and wheeling, make streets more accessible and deliver world-class public realm
- Make the most efficient and effective use of street space by significantly reducing motor traffic, including the number of delivery and servicing vehicles in the Square Mile
- Eliminate death and serious injuries from our streets through measures to deliver safer streets and reduce speeds
- Improve the experience of riding cycles and scooters in the Square Mile, making conditions safer and more pleasant
- Improve air quality and reduce noise by encouraging and enabling the switch to zero emission capable vehicles.
The Transport Strategy was guided by a thorough Equalities Impact Assessment process, if you would like a copy of the EQIA, please email Strategic Transportation team.
Healthy Streets
The Transport Strategy adopts the Healthy Streets Approach, which puts human health and experience at the heart of planning and managing our Streets.
We are developing and adopting Healthy Streets plans for different areas in the city.