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Transport strategy

Date updated: 19/06/2024

Transport Strategy review 

The 25-year Transport Strategy is undergoing a review, to make sure it stays relevant to the needs of people in the City and to embrace new challenges and objectives that the City of London Corporation has set out. 

The revised Transport Strategy is expected to be adopted and published in the Summer 2024. The review period allows the Transport Strategy to align with the progress of the City Plan 2040.

What is the Transport Strategy? 

The Transport Strategy sets out how the City Corporation proposes to design and manage the City’s streets to ensure the Square Mile remains a great place to live, work, study and visit. It includes ambitious proposals to:

  • Prioritise the needs of people walking, make streets more accessible and deliver world-class public realm
  • Make the most efficient and effective use of street space by significantly reducing motor traffic, including the number of delivery and servicing vehicles in the Square Mile
  • Eliminate death and serious injuries from our streets through measures to deliver safer streets and reduce speeds
  • Enable more people to choose to cycle by making conditions for cycling in the Square Mile safer and more pleasant
  • Improve air quality and reduce noise by encouraging and enabling the switch to zero emission capable vehicles

The consultation reports and other reports and resources prepared or used in the preparation of the Transport Strategy are available on request from the Strategic Transportation Team

Transport Strategy (2019) PDF (9MB)
The City of London's Transport Strategy sets out the Corporation's long-term vision and proposals
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